Linda looking great - as always! The Recreation Auditorium turned to banquet hall! My friend Linda is a one-of-a-kind treasure! She has a heart as big as Canada - although she hails from Germany originally. She's been back several times - especially to visit her eldest who lives there with his family. For the past 24 years we have worked together in the same organization. She has an amazing love for seniors and constantly brings joy into their lives. You need something? She'll drop what she is doing in order to help you. She oozes energy from every pore. She takes her knitting EVERYWHERE - except to church services - I think! She sews and sells what she sews at craft tables all over the city and even some places in our province. She crafts ceramics, porcelain dolls, makes jams and jellies, bakes, drives the bus for senior's shopping trips and outings and looks after a dear old neighbor who lives in another nursing home. She le...