Loving on great-grandmother - Oma-Oma

Will they know it by our music,
stunning churches that we build?
Will they know it by the numbers
of the padded pews, all filled?
Will they know it by the teaching
or the reading of God's Word?
Will they know it by long prayers
or deep conversations heard?
Will they know it by the preacher
and his speech proficiency,
or by widespread modern methods
that impress both you and me?
Will they know it by our actions,
as we always do 'what's right',
or by fierce defending of our views
as we stand for our faith and fight?
Will they know it by the programs,
or the outreach that we do?
~ they will only know for certain
if they're watching me and you.
~ they will know that we are Christians
by the LOVE we show each other
as we let Christ live within us
as I honor friend and brother!
They will see that God's anointing
changes lives before their eyes.
When they see Christ's love in action
they'll believe and realize
Jesus Christ does make the difference!
We have found the ONE they need!
It's been said that for some people,
We're the Bible that they read.

Karin Ristau©


Glenda said…
So, so true . . . and beautifully written! "They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love . . . "
ellen b. said…
So wonderfully written! Thank you Karin!
Profound truth.People really do watch us and often our actions are a much louder testimony than our words.
Ginny Hartzler said…
You wrote this poem? It's amazing! You are gifted. Can I record this for our church prayer line? It wouldn't be on for more than a day. I can give your name as the author. Is that your grandmother?
Mari said…
This is so true! I just got done reading a book about this. It talked about the churches that have constant programs and things going on, but no love, and the fact that it's seeing God through love that makes the difference.
George said…
Beautifully and truly said. Thanks for a wise and wonderful post.
Oh ---one of my favorite hymns... The words are amazing, Karin... I am humming that hymn right now.... LOVE it...

Thanks for sharing.
Doris Sturm said…
Sweet photos of the boys (Enkelkinder) kissing Ur-Oma (Great-Grandma)...

"You will know them by their fruits" Matthew 7:16
Karen said…
Amen! Such truths we should show daily...

The picture is so very in action....
You are right. Twenty one years ago, I was under great tribulation. My Christian friends were like Christ to me. It was them that helped me stay in the faith.
Unknown said…
Hanging in my kitchen. "Be careful of the way you live. It is the only gospel most people will ever read."
Dom Helder Camara.
Every so often I notice one of my children or grandchildren reading it and studying just a moment. What a wonderful, wise poem you have penned Karin. You are so gifted and a blessing to us bloggers out here. Blessings.
Reanaclaire said…
Praise the Lord.. looks like you are so blessed too...

C. JoyBell C. said…
Yes! :) Through our love! :)

It is unfortunate that these days, people identify Christians as the ones always telling them that they are about to go to hell.

Thank you for your recent visit to my site, and for your message that you left, I always appreciate your visits! :)

Judy said…
Now i'm singing the song...'and they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love...yes they'll know we are Christians by our love."

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