For beautiful photos of sunsets
visit Ginny's blog, at Let Your Light Shine!

Beyond the Sunset
Words by Virgil P. Brock
Music by Blanche Kerr Brock
© Word Music, Inc 

Beyond the sunset, O blissful morning, 
When with our Savior heav'n is begun; 
Earth's toiling ended, O glorious dawning, 
Beyond the sunset when day is done. 
Beyond the sunset, no clouds will gather, 
No storms will threaten, no fears annoy; 
O day of gladness, O day unending, 
Beyond the sunset eternal joy! 
Beyond the sunset, a hand will guide me 
To God the Father whom I adore; 
His glorious presence, His words of welcome, 
Will be my portion on that fair shore. 
Beyond the sunset, O glad reunion, 
With our dear loved ones who've gone before; 
In that fair homeland we'll know no parting, 
Beyond the sunset forever more!


ellen b. said…
Singing along to this great old song!
Doug said…
Thanks for the post and the reminder to keep a heavenly perspective.
Ginny Hartzler said…
Thanks so much for your kind words! And you have found words to go with my pictures! If I had known these words, I would have posted them myself, they are beautiful! We make a good team! Are you familiar with the beautiful poem "Crossing the Bar"? I added that to a sunset post one time, it is so beautiful.
Jane said…
Oh, this is a great post. Very inspirational!

Gorgeous hymn... I've heard it before... The video is great --especially the photos....

Thanks, Karin.
warriormom said…
It was so nice to read the lyrics! So often an old hymn is just that and we neglect the words, they just become sounds. Thank you! (I found you through a comment you left on Journey Through Grace. Your comment was so on target that I had to come find your blog!)
Connie Barris said…
and HE takes our breath away...

thank you...
George said…
Thank you for posting one of my favorite hymns. The video is both beautiful and moving.
C. JoyBell C. said…
Hey Karin,

This sounds like one of those old Christian Hymns.

I love old Christian Hymns, I know some people find it old-fashioned, but there is a certain charm of the old-world Christian. I still have my mother's old hymnal book. :)

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