
Showing posts from December, 2008


The year is gone, a storehouse of treasured memories! Days of sheer joy and times of great sorrow. Yes, God was directing all of our paths. He's the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! Challenges made us discover our self. How deep is our faith? Our loyalty where? What do we value, love and hold true? In all testing and trials, Jesus was there! Did we have courage? Or falter and fail? Did we walk in the Spirit? Did our faith grow? Did we each other's burdens bear? Did we the seed of the Good News sow? Each day we became more dependent on Him! Each day our love for Him grew. Each moment His strength, mercy and grace Led us our pathway anew! What's gained from this storehouse of memories? Pearls of great wisdom, noble and true! To be more like Jesus is our heartfelt desire ~ To live for Him all our days through. The year up ahead brings new hopes to fulfill; New days to use serving our Lord. New adjustments to make, new problems to solve. The answers are found in His Holy Wo...


Erna Laser, Volunteer, selling hand crafted items every Saturday! Here are the instructions: 1. Open the fourth picture folder on your computer 2. Open the fourth picture in the folder and post it on your blog 3. Explain the picture 4. Tag four people to do the same Those were the instructions given by Laura at the McMahon Manifesto . I usually try to read and obey instructions, but today I'm going to break all the rules! I don't own a camera and therefore don't take my own photos. I honestly don't have my pictures organized properly ~ still trying to figure out how to do that on my MacBook Air. Then I do have pictures on my laptop that I would first need to get authorization to publish by the people in the picture. So I made an executive decision to feature this photo and if you happen to be reading this, consider yourself TAGGED! For the last 64+ years this woman has been my mom! She is 89+ years old now and for the past 3+ years has been living in the nursi...


When it comes to apologizing and forgiving I think it very important to do it as quickly as possible. There is no sense in carrying grudges! So, before the year is out, perhaps there is someone with whom we still need a chat. May the Lord always fill us with a spirit of love and forgiveness that melts our proud and closed heart! "I'm sorry about what happened. Can we be friends again?" And the little boy opened his heart's door wide And let his buddy back in. But here's what I heard you say, "Forgiveness just doesn't happen that way. "I'll just have to think more about it," And you closed your heart's door that day. "Well, maybe, after my wounds have healed, I just might give it some thought." Or, "No way, I just need my distance," And you closed your heart's door on the spot. When we all spurn God's love, how does He respond? Does He say, "That's too bad, you've made your choice?" Or, in ...



An acrostic ~ can be recited by children ~ one verse per letter Celebrate the life of Jesus, Christ-child come from heaven above. Come adore Him, Christ the Savior. Christmas revealed the Father’s love. Here we are - to worship Him together Heaven sent God’s Best, His very own! Hosanna in the Highest! Hallelujah! How willingly left His glorious home. Righteous One, now Revealed, Mighty God! Rejoice! For our Redeemer came! Rejoice! He’s Counselor and Prince of Peace! Rejoice! For Jesus is His Name! Isaiah long ago foretold His coming! Immanuel, God with us. Hope of the world! In the fullness of God’s time He came Incarnate – God His Majesty unfurled. Salvation was this awesome gift announced to Shepherds who were first to run and See the Savior in a stable born though Silent was the night throughout the land. The little town of Bethlehem – so plain for all to see, That Israel’s Ruler would come out of you. Though it was little among a thousand towns of Juda Thanks be to God that He had...


Photo by Evi Krahn, 2007 Preparing for future teaching ministry led hubby to study in Hartford, Connecticut with a start date of September 1st 1968. Peter and I had been married for more than two years and were thrilled to be expecting our first child, due that November. We knew it would be financially impossible to have our baby in the States so we made a practical decision; I would stay with my parents in Winnipeg until the birth and then join Peter. You do what has to be done. The goodbyes were hard. I continued to work as a Pathology Secretary at the Children's Hospital for as long as possible. On the day I was to be induced, my dear brother had driven me to the hospital, and I was settled into the Labor Room. The Grey Cup was on as I went into labour. The nurses were glued to the game and loudly cheering away when our first child insisted on making her appearance. I’m sure I worked harder than any player on those football teams! Suddenly the case room became a flurry of act...


50 QuEsTiOnS

I opened this over at Betty's and now I am obligated... as are you! 50 random things about you! If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you! 1. Do you like cheese? Yes, Camembert, Brie, Gouda, but don’t eat it too often. 2. Have you ever smoked? Yes, as a teenager! Got blue in the face and had to throw up! Thank you Lord! 3. Do you own a gun? Does a glue gun count? 4. Do you like listening to Christmas music? Oh yes, especially my German ones! 5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? No, I used to run several doctors' clinics as I worked for them. 6. What do you think of hot dogs? We like European hot dogs with potato salad, especially in the summer months. 7. Favorite Christmas song for all time? We Light a Thousand Candles and of course, Silent Night in German. 8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee 9. Can you do push ups? Maybe 5 modified ones, lol! 10. Who is your favorite Grey...


My wish ~ because Jesus came to earth to save, heal and restore, all broken relationships would be made whole at this Christmastime! Broken relationships can be restored! They can grow stronger, more beautiful too. What does it matter how it got broken, The touch of His hand will restore and renew! If there's still a spark of His love deep within The Holy Spirit can fan into flame, He'll consume all the dross, refine and perfect, Bring honor and glory to His Holy Name. Let's not believe any lies and deception That Satan concocted to keep us apart. Let the blood that was shed on the cross by our Savior Heal all the brokenness. Let's make a fresh start! Victory in Christ is ours for the claiming. We are His children. We know THE WAY. His truth and His love will continue to guide us As we travel on homeward to meet Him someday! Karin Ristau


God, our Creator, became human! Conceived by Spirit, born of woman! He came to earth from heaven’s throne. To camp and walk among His own. Came as a child; then as a man Emptied of self, fulfilled God’s plan. His Kingdom was not of this earth. As Servant King He showed His worth. The cross of weakness showed His power! A death of shame His glory hour! His death, the greatest victory! For He arose triumphantly! Once I was blind, but now I see! Salvation can’t be bought. It’s free! I’m right with God for through the grave He chose His enemies to save! Yes, in my weakness I despair, But it’s His righteousness I wear. ‘Cause on that cross He took my place. Now I can glow and grow in grace. No fancy footwork climbing stairs, Or hope good deeds will get me there. For He came to a world of sinners, And only He will make us winners; To live with Him in Heaven above Redeemed by His amazing love. He will return in all His glory! And that will close salvations’ story. God hung His Gift upon that ...


Often at Christmas I received a beautiful jar of my favorite fragrance from my hubby. The pleasantness of the subtle fragrance is a delight and can be long-lasting, lingering gently. I would have a similar collection of exquisite jars as pictured if I had kept them over the years! The choices of fragrances are impossible to count! Chanel, Blue Grass, Tosca, Oscar, Royal Secret, Giorgio, Alfred Sung and so on and so on! I know, I’m dating myself but these are some pleasing perfumes I have enjoyed over the years. However, nowadays, many people have allergies and some public places are declared scent free including my place of work. This morning I read, “perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, the pleasantness of one’s friend springs from his earnest counsel." Prov. 27:9. Now that’s a fragrance no one is allergic to! I’m sure that as you read this very special people come to mind who have been as a pleasant fragrance! Your heart is warmed as you remember their presence. There ...


We don’t measure up And that is the point! That’s the reason the Savior came! We all needed saving We’re all born in sin. There’s salvation found in His Name. The moment we think, “Oh, I’m not like that,” That’s precisely the moment we sin! When our foolish pride Puts our nose in the air It blinds us from looking within. Our God is holy And just as I am I could never stand before Him. But just as I am His grace has saved me And now I’m IN Christ – forgiven of sin. Let’s never compare Our life with another Never think more of self than we ought. We don’t measure up And that is the point It’s not about us, but the Grace of our God. Karin Ristau


Student Artwork displayed in Marketplace Chapel, West Edmonton Mall, Edmonton, AB Canada where I played for Sunday Services during the time of Rev. Ben Kellert He’s been gone only a little while To make some final preparations. The two of us keep busy; Playing, reading, singing, swimming, sleeping, Laughing, living, Loving together. The time goes by but he does not return. She asks for him often. I reassure her, “He’s coming soon.” We talk about him and recall his presence. She smiles with a faraway look. Even though she does all the things she normally does, She is very conscious of his absence! She often gets out the book, the one with all his pictures. We talk about each picture, though her understanding is limited. She waits for his return Glancing often and longingly at the door. Suddenly, the door swings open She drops everything Nothing else matters As she runs in wild abandon Her little arms outstretched right into his joyful, loving embrace Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! She knew he was...


Got this from my friend Barb today by E-mail. Looks like this story has been around the world. Don't know if it really happened or is an urban legend. If anyone knows the source please let me know. It's a heart-warming story! Enjoy! It was chilly in Manhattan but warm inside the Starbucks shop on 51st Street and Broadway, just a skip up from Times Square. Early November weather in New York City holds only the slightest hint of the bitter chill of late December and January, but it's enough to send the masses crowding indoors to vie for available space and warmth. For a musician, it's the most lucrative Starbucks location in the world, I'm told, and consequently, the tips can be substantial if you play your tunes right. Apparently, we were striking all the right chords that night, because our basket was almost overflowing. It was a fun, low-pressure gig - I was playing keyboard and singing backup for my friend who also added rhythm with an arsenal of percussion ins...


Here's little Bryce with his Oma, my dear sister! Got this E-mail from my nephew's family today. His dear wife Michelle shared this story with us and I thought it would bless your heart as it did mine. "The busyness of the season is taking place and with that thought I wanted to share a little story with you to encourage hearts and to remind you of the true gift of Christmas! To all the moms out there as exhausted as you are, keep on teaching and loving your kids for the kingdom as they too have a role to play sooner than you think. Deuteronomy 28 the first part talks about blessing promises if we obey God. And verse 4 stands out right now. "The fruit of your womb will be blessed..." and I also believe a 'blessing'. On Friday night as we sat for a late fish dinner, I had a little bit of a break down at the dinner table. Probably lack of sleep and very sore back muscles that have been bothering me for a while. Come on, I know there are others out there t...