Often at Christmas I received a beautiful jar of my favorite fragrance from my hubby. The pleasantness of the subtle fragrance is a delight and can be long-lasting, lingering gently. I would have a similar collection of exquisite jars as pictured if I had kept them over the years! The choices of fragrances are impossible to count! Chanel, Blue Grass, Tosca, Oscar, Royal Secret, Giorgio, Alfred Sung and so on and so on! I know, I’m dating myself but these are some pleasing perfumes I have enjoyed over the years. However, nowadays, many people have allergies and some public places are declared scent free including my place of work.

This morning I read, “perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, the pleasantness of one’s friend springs from his earnest counsel." Prov. 27:9. Now that’s a fragrance no one is allergic to! I’m sure that as you read this very special people come to mind who have been as a pleasant fragrance! Your heart is warmed as you remember their presence.

There are friends with whom we may share confidences and the trust is definitely mutual. I’m grateful for friends who do not flaunt our friendship, which could create jealousy in another person's heart. I’m thankful for friends who do not use our friendship to manipulate or as leverage to gain advantage. I’m thrilled with those friends who always have my best interests at heart as I do theirs. What a joy and honor it is to be loved, respected and appreciated for who we are, to feel secure in relationship, to have no need to prove oneself, and know that our name will never be maligned but will be remembered in prayer. There is a profound joy of heart when we receive earnest counsel from such a friend. We honestly welcome and value their wisdom and have learned to apply it to our life. Rare are those people who make almost everyone feel that they are the most special. Without the friends in my life whom God has sent I would be the one sorely deprived! I rejoice in those who do not hide their affection!

Think on this: Are we, with God’s help, the kind of friend who shows genuine interest, who listens, who is willing to be vulnerable, who shares from the heart, who forgives, who encourages and who loves without strings attached? Do we make the first move or do we always wait for others to show their affection first? Do we cringe inwardly when someone wants to be our friend? Do we keep people at arm’s length thinking, “What does she want?” Is our heart filled with prejudice, jealousy and perhaps fear of relationship? Perhaps this is just the person the Lord has sent as a gift for a reason, a season or as best forever friend.

It just blows me away that my welcome smile, the sparkle in my eyes, a warm hand-shake and kind words from my lips can make a huge difference in someone’s life. This season and throughout the whole year, let’s warm each others heart, especially in the household of faith, as it can be pretty cold out there sometimes.


Kimberly Pitman said…
Well said! My favorite fragrance used to be "Heaven Sent."

Since my daughter, Karen, is allergic to scents I had to stop wearing most of them. Sometimes I spray a bit on a handkerchief (the old-fashioned, feminine kind) and indulge in a sniff when I feel the need for a lovely pick-me-up.
Cathryn said…
Karin, I really really like this post on friendship. Nicely written. I'm kind of big into the friend thing. I believe in being a good friend yet sometimes that can get disappointing if you don't have someone to reciprocate it when you really need it. I know a whole lot of people in the home schooling and church community but I am a close friend to only a small circle. Being in leadership sometimes can be intimidating to others.

But I give a hearty amen to what you have said.

And on another note - I'm not allergic to perfumes and would find it sad to not be able to wear my perfume on the work site. How sad. But I do understand that folk have a whole lot of trouble when others "smell so good." Blessings ~ Cathryn

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