God, our Creator, became human!
Conceived by Spirit, born of woman!
He came to earth from heaven’s throne.
To camp and walk among His own.

Came as a child; then as a man
Emptied of self, fulfilled God’s plan.
His Kingdom was not of this earth.
As Servant King He showed His worth.

The cross of weakness showed His power!
A death of shame His glory hour!
His death, the greatest victory!
For He arose triumphantly!

Once I was blind, but now I see!
Salvation can’t be bought. It’s free!
I’m right with God for through the grave
He chose His enemies to save!

Yes, in my weakness I despair,
But it’s His righteousness I wear.
‘Cause on that cross He took my place.
Now I can glow and grow in grace.

No fancy footwork climbing stairs,
Or hope good deeds will get me there.
For He came to a world of sinners,
And only He will make us winners;

To live with Him in Heaven above
Redeemed by His amazing love.
He will return in all His glory!
And that will close salvations’ story.

God hung His Gift upon that tree.
Kneel at the manger, come and see,
His Son was born to die, so we might live.
For such a love, my heart I give.

Karin Ristau


Betty said…
We are truly blessed!
Very well written!
Abigail Kraft said…
Hello Karin. First, I would like to thank you for commenting on my blog when I was featured on BATW. Your words greatly encouraged me and I wanted to let you know so. :)

This poem is absolutely beautiful! I especially like the last line "For such a love, my heart I give." It's such a beautiful and simple fact...where there is love for us, our hearts feel so much stronger to give love in return. Giving my heart to Jesus wasn't just an act of surrender, it was entering into a mutual relationship. Of course, my Savior's love will always surpass that of my imperfect human being, but He makes it so easy to love in return because He has already shown me such unfailing love.

I hope you are having a wonderful day.
In His arms,

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