
An acrostic ~ can be recited by children ~ one verse per letter

Celebrate the life of Jesus,

Christ-child come from heaven above.
Come adore Him, Christ the Savior.
Christmas revealed the Father’s love.

Here we are - to worship Him together
Heaven sent God’s Best, His very own!
Hosanna in the Highest! Hallelujah!
How willingly left His glorious home.

Righteous One, now Revealed, Mighty God!
Rejoice! For our Redeemer came!
Rejoice! He’s Counselor and Prince of Peace!
Rejoice! For Jesus is His Name!

Isaiah long ago foretold His coming!
Immanuel, God with us. Hope of the world!
In the fullness of God’s time He came
Incarnate – God His Majesty unfurled.

Salvation was this awesome gift announced to
Shepherds who were first to run and
See the Savior in a stable born though
Silent was the night throughout the land.

The little town of Bethlehem – so plain for all to see,
That Israel’s Ruler would come out of you.
Though it was little among a thousand towns of Juda
Thanks be to God that He had chosen you.

Mary’s boy child, humble, swaddled, Messiah in a
Manger filled with straw and hay.
May all who worship think of His humble birth and
Marvel at this miracle and thank Him every day!

Angels, a multitude, in the highest heavens,
Announced, “Fear not, we bring you Good News”!
Adoration they bring their Creator forever!
Awe, reverence and glory to the King of the Jews.

Sing! Let’s join our voices in carols of praise!
Salvation is yours if like Wise Men you seek Him today!
Serve Him with gladness! Let real joy fill your heart!
Set free from sin, we will follow Him,
Savior! Redeemer! The Life and The Way!

Karin Ristau


Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
Cathryn said…
The song is great Karin. That guy is one of the skinnest people I've ever seen. Maybe I should know this group but I don't. Do you know them? Hope you had a great Christmas. Blessings ~ Cathryn

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