
Showing posts from January, 2011


Amazing Grace how sweet the sound,  that saved a wretch like me.  I once was lost, but now am found;  was blind, but now I see!  Mercy – new every morning!!! A nice warm apartment  when it’s bitter cold outside –  should warm up a bit later this week. My violets that provide a splash of color!  Starting to feel the desire again  to visit a local greenhouse as I do every year. My unhurried yet steady rhythm of life. Strength to still clean my own place,  do my own laundry, my own shopping, and work part-time. A manageable to-do list! A chat with Evi as she is taking a new course at Red Deer College! She’s happy and finds the studies very interesting! She’s back to work on Tuesday.  Her hubby is such a support  and her children are old enough  to support mom in this new venture. Cherishing every moment hubby and I  have together to just do what we feel like! Opportunities to learn new things e...


Sharing a video from Jayne's Journey through Grace - thanks so much! We are blessed with nine grandchildren.   This is in  honor of two of our special grandsons who changed all our lives completely!   They have amazing parents and we all have an  AWESOME LOVING GOD! "Love is stronger than the pain!"


Busy but uneventful week around here! Missing the sunshine! Going to make some soup today! That's all folks!


A warmer week-end – a welcome break from the deep freeze!  Yesterdays temp was a few degrees in the plus  and we had snowmelt on the streets. Loved the warmth and brilliance of the sun yesterday  and hope for more of the same today.  She should be rising in another hour! Enjoy watching the phases of the moon – it’s outside my living room window every morning  and it is traveling higher in the sky -  just a few clouds hiding it occasionally! A supper date with my cousin and hubby –  great to reminisce and get caught up –  hadn’t seen each other since just before Christmas!  Please pray for F. as he faces surgery on January 31. God’s provision of our daily needs!  Please pray for jobs for our son and his wife –  lots of resumes have been sent out but responses have been slow. Medications that are helping our daughter-in-law,  who has ankylosing spondylitis,  cope much better with her pain.  T...


Proverbs has such practical sayings. I love reading them and letting the wisdom and advice sink in. Just a few excerpts....... Ill-gotten gain has no lasting value, BUT Right living can save your life. Hatred stirs up quarrels, BUT Love covers all offenses. People who wink at wrong cause trouble, BUT a bold reproof promotes peace. Trust in your money and down you go! BUT, The godly flourish like leaves in spring. The wise are glad to be instructed, BUT Babbling fools fall flat on their faces. People who accept correction are on the pathway to life, BUT Those who ignore it will lead others astray. The godly give good advice, BUT Fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense. Your own soul is nourished when you are kind, BUT You destroy yourself when you are cruel. Everyone admires a person with good sense, BUT A warped mind is despised. Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren, BUT The sinner’s wealth passes to the godly. ...



When I was young, my mom always told us stories in the same vein as this video. These were valuable lessons that have stayed with me all my life - to gain a greater understanding of why people do what they do, not to make excuses for them, however!


And there's more snow today! Snow, lots of it – thankful mainly because it isn’t  rain or hurricanes or earthquakes,  and it will nourish the earth when it melts –  not too fast I hope! A relaxed , fun evening with son and daughter-in-law Grandchildren’s giggles and chasing around the room Delicious food – someone else doing the cooking Good conversation about topics dear to one’s heart Encouraging e-mails from friends Knowing someone is praying for your needs Opportunities to serve the seniors Sunday afternoons at church That I can drive myself to work and don’t have to park my car,  take the train downtown, walk another block to the office! Reading a good book by an excellent author A hot cup of Stinging Nettle tea – yum! Enjoy every precious moment of life the Lord gifts to you!


View from my window -  blizzard coming on! Jan. 2011 In my heart shines Light that’s brighter than a sunrise, It is Jesus! It is Jesus! Never can the works of darkness with its bold lies, Stop the radiance of this Light within my heart. It is Jesus, It is Jesus! He’s the Son of God! The Sun of Righteousness! When the sun and moon and stars fade in their glory Jesus Christ, is still the Bright and Morning Star. Who has called us out of darkness to sing praises? It is Jesus! It is Jesus! For He opens eyes, forgives our sins, and saves us. So proclaim the Light, the Way, the Truth, the Life! It is Jesus, It is Jesus! He’s the Son of God! The Sun of Righteousness! When the sun and moon and stars fade in their glory Jesus Christ, is still the Bright and Morning Star. For He changes not, He’s not like shifting shadows. It is Jesus! It is Jesus! He will be your strength and comfort in life’s sorrows, Hand in hand He’ll light your path to heaven’s home! It is J...


On Dec. 5, 2010 we had the biggest snowfall in six years - 16 cm. - 6.5 inches! Yesterday, January 8, 2011 we had 30 cm. more - that's about a foot! Not sure why the police was called to an apartment in the building across the way.  But they got stuck. There was also an ambulance yesterday and today. When I managed two manors we had to call police several times. One of our residents accused a staff of stealing. After several months the resident came to my office in tears apologizing profusely about what shame she had caused the wonderful staff. The resident had found her money - but in a different purse - one she had not used since the previous fall. I had not fired the staff because I knew of her integrity and respect for seniors. Another time one of our residents became violent with one of our staff. He mistook her for an intruder even though she called out to him  in a very friendly voice as usual. Family was called. Resident was taken to the doctor. ...


  No, seriously, it didn't snow two feet or 24 inches!   Today we got 20 centimeters (almost 8 inches!) and it is still snowing.  Don't know what our total snowfall is since the start of winter! I think I don't want to know, lol! There is a deep freeze coming on Monday! Brrrrrrrrr! ❅❅❅❅❅❅❅❅❅❅❅❅❅❅❅❅❅❅❅ Here is a poem God gave me years ago during someone's friendship crisis.  Hope it blesses you! I WEEP  Yes, my child, those are tears in my eyes! When I call you both my dearest friends Yet you refuse to be friends with each other, Withdrawing all previously given generous affections, I weep. When I’ve extended to you a wealth of understanding, But you have no understanding for each other, Rather ascribe to each other wrong motives, I weep. When I’ve been gracious to you through someone, And you cannot possibly be gracious in return, Rather see each other in the worst light possible, I weep. When I have forgiven you all you...


  source unknown FORECAST ---  ANOTHER TWO FEET OF SNOW! Stay at home Make some soup Send some love Read a book Play a game I could go on but you get the point! Relax  and enjoy! Have a fabulous week-end everyone!


Thanks Evi for this pic of the morning sky! Not sure if I've posted this poem before,  but felt constrained to post it today.  God knows why! If you knew this would be your very last year, How would you live? Would you still show your impatience, your anger, your pride, To your neighbors, your friends and your family, Or would gentleness, kindness, compassion and joy Be what you would want them to see? If you knew this would be your very last year, How would you love? Would you cherish your spouse, your children, your family, Would you make time for your special friends? Would you give to the poor, the downtrodden and hurt? Would you seek at all costs to make amends? If you knew this would be your very last year, What would really matter? Would you want a clean house or would a clean heart be better? Would the love of possessions fill your thoughts every day? Would you spend all your time in leisure and play, or tenderly loving peo...


  Need to fill up my cup! My friend sent me the following in an e-mail.  It's made the rounds many times. Thanks Don - it's a timely reminder! Hope you enjoy it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, When 24 hours in a day is not enough; remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee. A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and started to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured it into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.  Of course, the sand filled up everythi...