source unknown

Stay at home
Make some soup
Send some love
Read a book
Play a game
I could go on
but you get the point!

Relax  and enjoy!

Have a fabulous week-end everyone!


Linda said…
Hi Karin...These "two feet of snow"...were funny! Snow is coming our way tomorrow or Monday and I hope it won't be two feet...but we could use some moisture.

Have a Happy Saturday!

Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Sandy said…
I do plan to do just that Karin - stay at home, put on some music and relax with projects!

Enjoy your weekend, too!
Mari said…
Those 2 feet are so cute! It's been snowing here too, but today the sun is shining!
Ginny Hartzler said…
Phil and I just laughed and laughed at this!!! Really, two feet?? When? We are supposed to get it Monday through Wednesday. they said a considerable amount, but haven't told how much. Today a huge trip to the grocery store is in order!! For some reason, I always buy much more than I need when I think we'll be snowed in.
ellen b. said…
LOL! That is hilarious. Stay warm!
Cute picture to go along with the prediction of snow... Glad you are UP HIGH in your condo. ha ha

Cute poem---but when I first read it I combined the 2nd and 3rd lines ---and in my mind, it said "Make some LOVE"..... ha ha .... (Sounds good to me!!!!)

We have LOTS of snow up here this morning, but not two feet. Glad we don't have to get out!!!! It's pretty and the birds are feasting at the feeders and bath.

Have a great weekend.
Joy said…
Now that is clever!
We have a beautiful day today, but its coming tonight. Rain and cold. No snow, but it may be sleety and icy a little north of us.
Bernie said…
Happy Saturday to you as well Karin, this storm is something else isn't it, my car is buried and I can't open my back door. I am not sure if I will be able to make church....:-)Hugs
Anneliese said…
Chuckle! reminds me of the grandma who knit 3 socks because her grandson had written that he grew another foot.
Jan said…
So succinct and so true!
It is the rain here, it is still pouring, though we are out of the flood areas of QLD making headlines.
Love and Blessings,
Kimberly Pitman said…
Two feet?!!! At the same time?

Well, I guess I do live a bit further south, don't I! We'll probably have 2 feet the whole winter long. We've got about 1 inch right now. It would take all the snow in the neighborhood to make 2 feet like you show in the picture (which was really cute, btw!).
Joyful said…
Beautifully put.
George said…
This is the nicest weather forecast involving snow that I've seen in ages.
Lady Dorothy said…
I used to live where it snowed. It doesn't here. I kind of miss being snowed in. That whole "can't do anything else, might as well relax" thing. :-)

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