
Showing posts from January, 2009


This has been making the rounds on e-mail. Makes a great object lesson for any age!! You may never look at a CUP OF COFFEE the same way again. A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved a new one arose. Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to a boil. In the first, she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs and the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil, without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me, what do you see?" "Carrots, egg...



Call someone to say, “You are special,” and tell them why. Tuck a small gift unnoticed into a friend’s pocket. Drop everything and go for coffee or lunch when asked. On the way home from work visit a shut-in Leave the laundry and go for a walk. Send an e-mail full of thanks, encouragement and praise for someone deserving. Let someone cut in front of you in traffic. Thank your hubby’s mom for having raised a wonderful son. Bake a small amount of cookies for a shut-in. At the take out window, pay for the coffee of the customer behind you. Secretly write “Happy Birthday” on their day, in someone’s day timer. Write a kind poem/verse and mail it. Bring some sweets for the office meeting. Give a donation in your friend’s name to their favourite charity anonymously. Always follow an impulse to do something good! Get creative in ways to be kind, show love, give gifts, bring joy, speak praise, have fun, surprise someone, and spend time! Seize the moments as they come. Don’t postpone life! “Thi...


You are in a high-volume ‘discussion’ A shouting match actually– with kids or hubby Suddenly the phone rings You instantly change your tone and demeanor Answer the phone in a normal, even pleasant voice Have a lovely, long conversation And even still smile when you hang up! That means that you CAN control yourself And your emotions! It also follows then that If you’re anxious – you can stop it If you’re angry – you can stop it If you're dwelling on issues - you can stop it If you’re jealous – you can stop it If you’re getting nervous – you can stop it If you’re getting catty – you can stop it If you’re being argumentative – you can stop it On, and on, and on – you can stop it YOU HAVE THE CHOICE – JUST STOP IT! RATHER THAN ANY OF THE ABOVE WHY NOT Love intently Give generously Receive graciously Smile naturally Encourage eagerly Forgive immediately Pray unceasingly Help diligently Prepare thoughtfully Laugh joyfully Trust implicitly Bless continually Wait patiently Serve gladly Liv...


If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Phillipians 2:1-4


It seems that so often my defeats loom so large And my memory, just clear as a bell, Recalls how I’ve have failed, have stumbled or fallen And the Enemy wants me on those things to dwell. I’ve learned now to stop, to recollect, to remember, To train myself to be more selective To think on those things that are honest, pure, right, And my daily life has become more effective. There are so many victories with You, Lord, I remember, There are beautiful memories I choose to recall! I’ve learned that defeats are a part of my growth, And not a one has the power to harm me at all. Facing each giant is a hard, lonely journey, Yet You’ve always been there in each fight! Recalling the victories gives new inspiration, To speak out in boldness and do what is right. Even though sometimes my knees were knocking, My thoughts were confused; my tongue was all tied, I trusted in You Lord, and you slew my giant! The battle was Yours, Lord! In You I could hide! Thank you, dear Father, that ...


He’d built sturdy walls all around him To keep his pain buried inside. A place where no one could hurt him, A comfortable place to hide. Sometimes though, it felt cold and dreary, Hiding alone in this place, And too many cruel rejections Had not helped some fears to erase. Would ever there be a someone With whom he’d feel very secure? To trust was not something he did well . Could he learn to trust and be sure? What if he would just have the courage To let down his guard come what may? If he, fueled by hope, took the first step Would some of his pain go away? Then one day a total stranger, A gift from heaven indeed, Showing acceptance, encouragement, Meeting him just at his need, Listening with care and compassion, Walked quietly into his life. No judgment, just affirmation To help solve the turmoil and inner strife. Christ's love, through the heart of a new friend, Changed him! With joy he can say, "The fullness of God's Holy Spirit Melted my walls all away!...


Some days I wonder why the Lord had me write some of these poems - expressing some deep pain and trauma which people have shared with me over the years. Other days I get to see how the Lord has used what has been expressed to help someone and I'm humbled and grateful! She saw the envy on your face Your mean remarks were meant to pierce! Each little dig designed just right, And though you smiled, your eyes were fierce. Your words cut deep, they hit the mark. A knife was twisting deep inside! The pain o'erwhelmed her spirit. Crushed, To nurse her wounds, she chose to hide. Your poisoned arrows tried to wreck All that is dear, you see. She went to Jesus in her pain He heard her prayers and agony, And Jesus said, "Forgive them child, They know not what they do. Forgive, forgive, forgive again, Just as I forgive you.” And through her tears, she saw your need, Your pain, that made you shamefully Hurl all those insults as you thought She was your bitter enemy. Sh...


Words of truth spoken without words of grace, Had shaped his perception. He knew his place. He didn’t like drinking the dregs from this cup. He just wasn’t liked; did not measure up; No matter how hard he had ever tried. He sat there mulling and often sighed. He was ignored! Indifferently left on the shelf. Would he ever be loved just for himself? Much like Job he too had often been told, He was to blame for those things of old. He struggled at times with horrible pain As ugly, mean thoughts stole his joy once again. And then one day, while on his knees praying, It seemed that he heard his dear Master saying, “I AM the Truth, full of mercy and love, And grace abundant from your Father above. I’ll trade you joy for that sorrow inside. I’ll be your Light; for it’s dark where you hide. Come; take my hand, my dear, special friend! I will always stay with you! Your heart I will mend. If others don’t like you; freely give them My love! There will be in your heart, more than enough! ‘cause I’...


Psalm 122 A song of ascents. Of David. 1 I rejoiced with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD." 2 Our feet are standing in your gates, O Jerusalem. 3 Jerusalem is built like a city that is closely compacted together. 4 That is where the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD, to praise the name of the LORD according to the statute given to Israel. 5 There the thrones for judgment stand, the thrones of the house of David. 6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May those who love you be secure. 7 May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels." 8 For the sake of my brothers and friends, I will say, "Peace be within you." 9 For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your prosperity.


Your smile is like the smile of heav'n It says, “Come closer, there is love and welcome here.” It beams across the room like sunshine, So warm and caring that it melts away all fear. It says, “I’ve missed you, have not seen you for a while. No matter where you’ve been, I’m glad you’re here.” It works its wonders in the heart that now receives it, On wings of love it says, “To me you are so dear.” The radiance of your smile can bring such comfort To one who’s lonely, tired or forlorn. It has the power to refresh a weary spirit Whose life through circumstances has been torn. Your smile can send a message of forgiveness, It says, through tears, without one spoken word, “Come, let us leave the past behind us. You are my brother ~ sister, in the Lord.” Your smile can bring delightful joy and laughter To one who needs to live and lighten up, When they have foolishly let daily troubles Put bitterness and rancour in their cup. So never underestimate the power, To make a difference with you...

#4 - FROM 2 MORE

Here's hoping I don't get a swelled head! Karen from Homespun Simplicity and Danielle from Danielle's Realm , two bloggers I've just recently met and started visiting, have passed the same LEMONADE AWARD on to me! What an honor! In stereo! This award is passed to bloggers for showing great Attitude and/or Gratitude. The rules of this award: Put the logo on your blog or post. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude! Be sure to link to your nominees within your post. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award. And now, in no particular order, I get to pass the award on to: Jackie Gombojav Louise Susie Joy Bird, Frizzy and our little Yaya Laural Domestic Executive Karabeth The Arthur Clan Gratefully,


Becky from Slipping through my fingers, gave me the following assignment: Write 10 things you love that start with the letter 'A'. It's been a real joy to focus on this assignment!! ABBA - My heavenly Father who loves me perfectly even though I do not deserve to be loved! He is awesome, amazing, all-knowing, all-present, all-powerful and total worthy of adoration! ABIGAIL & AIDAN - Two of our nine terrific grand Angels! The other seven are: Jacqueline, Samuel, Joshua, Joseph, Simon, Delaney, Miccah ! I love them all so very much, but only two have a name that starts with A. AMAZING GRACE - I especially love this song done on the bag-pipes. I have no Scottish in my background, but when the Pipes and Drums of the Edmonton Police Service play this on the pipes, I get goose-bumps! I love God focused hymns! ALBERTA - The beautiful province in which I've lived for the past 36 years! What??? It hasn't even seemed that long! I'm still so young!!! See my rece...


Some of my poetry is given to me when others share their struggles and some are given for my own struggles and issues over many, many years. Whenever I've gone through valleys full of testing and trials, I sensed the Lord giving me poems to write. My hope is that someone else can identify and be blessed by what is written. To live at ease in another’s shadow And not get the recognition deserved To humbly walk in the path one’s been given Always to serve, yet seldom be served To lovingly help another succeed Give freely warm words of genuine praise Refrain from boasting about one’s own self Those are not human, but godly ways. To play second fiddle with joy and delight To enhance the first, at one’s own expense Together creating sweet harmony To a child of the King, this makes perfect sense. Yielding our life to the Spirit’s control We don’t need position to accomplish His plan. For through our influence we do make a difference. We have value in God’s eyes, if not those of man. Wit...


All good things come in threes they say! Thank you Cathryn for this, the third award! It has been a joy and blessing to read your blog. To accept this award, I must mention who I received the award from and link back to her/him. Then I am to share the following: "This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are extremely charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly written text into the body of their award. " I like best the sentence "Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated." There are so many interesting, creative, encouraging, educational and worthy blogs out...


Welcome all BATW visitors !! Debbie does a wonderful job taking us to fascinating places around the world! Thank you so much! So, grab a hot chocolate, or that second cup and enjoy the visit. Here are some facts about the Province of Alberta, part of western Canada, where we've lived for 37 years! Thanks to Doris for this lovely winter scene! Didn't have my own! It's winter here now but we do get the four seasons and they are beautiful. Love this photo - thanks Evi! The days are getting longer and soon we will have spring again! The trees should have green leaves by Mother's Day! Alberta's license plates read, WILD ROSE COUNTRY. Click on the rose to read more about it! Alberta had it's centennial celebrations in September '05! We're still quite young! If a 21 year old had ten bucks to his name in 1905 he could buy 64 hectares - over 150 acres. Of course it had stipulations, but wouldn't that be fantastic nowadays. I'd even pay $1000.00, oh ...


I love winter! I love snow! I love photos of snow-covered mountains and valleys, of snow like fluffy cotton balls on trees, of blankets of snow on everything! Notice I didn’t say anything about loving the cold, the treacherous winter driving conditions, the shoveling or the avalanches that claim lives! To me SNOW is just so pure, (analysis by a scientist would prove me wrong, I’m sure!) enchanting and remarkably beautiful. Each snowflake unique ~ no two alike it is said. I remember trying to catch the falling snow on my tongue! I remember making snow-angels, building snow forts, throwing snowballs! Some simply love winter sports in the snow! Skiing, sledding, snowshoeing, skating, etc. etc…. I remember the expression on the face of someone who visited us and had NEVER even seen snow. Priceless! Snow like in these pictures are a fond memory of growing up years. Blizzard? No school! No trucks removed the snow - it was piled up in windrows and we walked along the top. There are cars und...


Dear Father, Using my time to discover more about myself, Trying to understand the inner workings of my soul, Dwelling on my weaknesses and my need for transformation, Is an exercise in futility. Spending my time in discovering more about You, ALL Your wonderful attributes, ALL Your wonderful names, ALL of YOU Assuredly produces by Your Holy Spirit The needed transformation in my life. Make me like Christ is my prayer, Lord. Amen


Thank you to Dorothy at Daffodil Dreams for honoring me with this award! This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his/her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values in their writings. Having not yet blogged for too long and still learning more each day, I am honored to receive this award. The rules to follow are: 1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link. 2) Pass the award to 10 other blogs (I changed the number - but please feel free to honor 15!) that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen for this award. In no particular order I've picked a few I've read for a while and some that I've checked out in the last month or two. You'll be blessed if you visit them! Each one has terrific blogrolls as well - and you can have as many rolls as you like! I've not met any o...


Each piece is unique in shape, form, size, design, and coloring. Each piece is valuable and needed in completing the whole. Connected by the Master's hand, together they make a beautiful picture. There are many, many pieces to the picture that is my life. Each piece is significant and an important part of the whole. I treasure each piece as a unique gift to me, given to complete me. This individual piece of a puzzle is given to remind you always that you are special to me! If one piece is missing the picture that is me, is not complete and looses its value. Your gifts to my life cannot be overstated or too greatly respected. You are precious! God knows why He connected all the pieces! He alone knows the end result. As I count my blessings, I count you twice! I have so much for which to be thankful! My FATHER, my faith, my family, my friends! Karin Ristau


An old Russian proverb says, “He who dwells on the past, loses an eye, but he who forgets the past loses both eyes.” That reminds me of driving. We all know that you can’t drive forward with your eyes fixed on the rear - view mirror. Smart drivers know the importance of being fully alert to the present, tracking towards their future destination and also often glancing in the rear-view mirror. In our personal lives we, too, must learn to know the difference between a look at our past for the purpose of orientating, adjusting, evaluating it for present use and future direction and that of dwelling on, living in or being held hostage by our past. One brings failure, the other freedom. One adversity, the other adventure! God has an awesome way of revealing unresolved issues of the past to us. When we least expect it, perhaps during a casual conversation about something seemingly unrelated, a secret, hidden away for years in the dusty, musty attic of our memory, may be brought to light. We ...


THANK YOU!! My first award! A Mum's Blog has given me this award! I'm copying the rules from her blog! As you know, with every award there are rules. This one is easy. Link to the person who gave you the award, then select seven bloggers to pass this award on to. (my rule: if you come up with less - that's okay too!) I'm giving these awards to: Evelyn Laura Doris Anneliese Karabeth Cathryn Betty Love,


Let your light shine in 2009! A bright New Year before us Each day a brand new leaf. Let’s treasure every blessed moment. Let’s bring each other joy, not grief! New hopes we wish to have fulfilled. New challenges we’ll have to face. We’ll have another chance to love Our fellow man of every race. Let’s take with us the memories Of yesteryear; the ones that made us glad. Let’s leave behind to rest in peace The ones that made us mad or sad. It is my heartfelt, deepest prayer, That God would bless each one, With perfect peace and love and joy Through Jesus Christ, His Son. Karin Ristau