Becky from Slipping through my fingers, gave me the following assignment: Write 10 things you love that start with the letter 'A'. It's been a real joy to focus on this assignment!!

ABBA - My heavenly Father who loves me perfectly even though I do not deserve to be loved! He is awesome, amazing, all-knowing, all-present, all-powerful and total worthy of adoration!

ABIGAIL & AIDAN - Two of our nine terrific grand Angels! The other seven are: Jacqueline, Samuel, Joshua, Joseph, Simon, Delaney, Miccah! I love them all so very much, but only two have a name that starts with A.

- I especially love this song done on the bag-pipes. I have no Scottish in my background, but when the Pipes and Drums of the Edmonton Police Service play this on the pipes, I get goose-bumps! I love God focused hymns!

- The beautiful province in which I've lived for the past 36 years! What??? It hasn't even seemed that long! I'm still so young!!! See my recent Blog Aroung The World post on Alberta.

ACCORDION - Played the instrument for many, many years. We had a musical group at church - guitars, violins, mandolin, banjo, and me and my accordion and a number of girls singing gospel music. Oh what memories and the fun we had! No wonder our director was nearly bald - after every practice with these giddy girls he must have been pulling his hair out!!

AFRICAN VIOLETS - I had about 12 pots of the most beautiful violets. They loved the northern exposure of my kitchen window and thrived to please me no end! Oh, I babied them! When we downsized and I wouldn't have the right kind of window to nurture them, I bequeathed them to several dear friends who also love African Violets!

ALMONDS - Anything with almonds, almond extract, slivered almonds, sliced almonds, whole almonds, smoked almonds, almond crunch, Amaretto on ice cream, almonds in dark chocolate, cake with toasted almonds. Did I say, "anything with almonds???"

ALPS - As a child I loved the story of 'Heidi' and where she lived. I dreamed to go there!! I was blessed twice to visit Switzerland and finally see the Alps! They are totally different from the Canadian Rockies! I loved the flowers that bloom on the Alps - the Enzian and the Edelweiss! We had a most fantastic vacation in the Alps!

ALTRUISM - For over 20 years I managed Volunteer Services in a long-term care centre. The selfless concern for the welfare of others by all my wonderful volunteers was totally inspiring!! Their tireless efforts on behalf of our frail and fragile elderly were always appreciated! They put in thousands ++ of hours in every year!!

AMORE & AMIGOS - I love and am loved! The special love of hubby and family as well as the unique love, respect and appreciation of kindred spirits and caring friends! And all those bloggyland amigos! What a blessing!

Oh, and I love apples too! An apple a day keeps the doctor away --- if aimed right! LOL


Great list, Karin.. That was a challenge, wasn't it?? The first thing I think about is something to EAT.. Wonder why???? ha ha... We do eat apples. Our favorites are Honey Crisp.. YUM!!!

Somebody opened the freezer door in Tennessee. Our low this morning was 10 degrees. We’ve had some snow–but just a dusting. It’s blowing around in the air mostly!!!

I gave my birdies some extra breakfast this morning!!!!
Kimberly Pitman said…
Lots of those "A" things are some of my favorites, too. I eat almonds like there might be a shortage coming. And as many as I eat of them, perhaps there will be! I buy them in bags in the produce aisle because those have no salt (I'm watching the b/p). I have to hide them from the Bear who also loves them only because they're FOOD.

I also love African violets. Unfortunately, something made all of mine unhappy (I don't know what!) and they all died. Pretty soon I'll get over it and buy more.
Betty said…
What a coincidence! I did this today too. My letter was "C".
Great list!
Danielle&Hannah said…
I have an award for you, please collect from my blog :-)

Danielle&Hannah said…
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Lady Dorothy said…
I've wanted to play the accordian since I was in third grade! In 2001, some friends gave me an absolutely gorgeous red accordian. I was thrilled!

Can you believe I have not done anything with it? Shame on me! I think I'm waiting until I wake up one day and miraculously know how to play! (But I still wouldn't know it, I guess, if the accordian never comes out of its case!)
Wonderful list! I too like the hymns and Amazing Grace is such a grand one.
Joy said…
I love African Violets too. I use to have quite a collection of them. But we started moving a lot and they were too hard to move from one state to the next so I had to give them up.

Great list. I love these because you get to know the blogger better.
'blogger better' that sounds funny together like a tongue twister.

Have a great weekend,

The Muse said…
How delightful! :)
Becky W said…
Great job! I love so many of those things, too. Thanks for playing along!

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