#4 - FROM 2 MORE

Here's hoping I don't get a swelled head! Karen from Homespun Simplicity and Danielle from Danielle's Realm, two bloggers I've just recently met and started visiting, have passed the same LEMONADE AWARD on to me! What an honor! In stereo!

This award is passed to bloggers for showing great Attitude and/or Gratitude.

The rules of this award:

  1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

  2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!

  3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

  4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

  5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

And now, in no particular order, I get to pass the award on to:


Bird, Frizzy and our little Yaya
Domestic Executive
The Arthur Clan



Gombojav Tribe said…
Why thank you! I'm honored!

I'll post about it soon!
Joy said…
Awwww,Karin, How sweet. Thank you so much. I'll pick it up soon!

Susie said…
As the administer of the group, I am accepting your award! Thanks so much for your recognition! I know that everyone involved is excited to get our first award!! Thanks:-)
Betty said…
Congratulations! You deserve them and I totally agree with who you gave them to. I read most of those blogs too!
Jodi said…
You have a beautiful blog so your awards are certainly well-deserved! CONGRATS!
Frizzy said…
Congratulations on your award and thank YOU for passing it on to me. I am flattered! I received this award on Monday and was excited even then. Please be sure to pass it on to some other deserving blog as I wouldn't feel right accepting it twice. Blessings to you my dear. Have a wonderful weekend.
Anonymous said…
Karin, I was blown away when I saw this honour. Thank you so much. I'll definitely pick this up.
I'm in the throes of overhauling my blog design and look forward to highlighting this award on there. Thank you, thank you. JT
That was really sweet Karin ~ thank you so much!
Kimberly Pitman said…
Thank you, Karin, very much! It will look lovely there on the blog page. I'll drop by in a few days to pick it up.

(I wish I could do that in real life as you seem to be warmer than we are at the moment.)
Jackie said…
Karin, thank you so much for thinking of me. This award will look lovely on my blog, matching colors! lol
Congrats, Karin, for your award. Nobody deserves it more!
Louise | Italy said…
Dear Karin, You really made my day. Thank-you so much for this award. Bless you!

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