
Thank you to Dorothy at Daffodil Dreams for honoring me with this award! This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his/her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values in their writings. Having not yet blogged for too long and still learning more each day, I am honored to receive this award.

The rules to follow are:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to 10 other blogs (I changed the number - but please feel free to honor 15!) that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen for this award. In no particular order I've picked a few I've read for a while and some that I've checked out in the last month or two. You'll be blessed if you visit them! Each one has terrific blogrolls as well - and you can have as many rolls as you like! I've not met any one of these in person and yet they speak to my heart and perhaps to yours as well. Pass the blessings on and thank the Lord for connections on a different level!


Karen ... thank you SO much for the award and mentioning my blog. I always enjoy stopping by yours.

Anonymous said…

Thank you for this award. I'm really humbled. I've been blessed reading your blog.

Love the puzzle piece!


Melanie said…
Hi, Karin, Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your encouraging comment. I am always so thankful and awed when someone mentions that what I have written or put there has been a blessing to them. I have visited yours and plan to put it on my blog roll. It was a lovely visit!
Abigail Kraft said…
Thanks so much Karin! I have also loved reading your blog and enjoying your poems. You are a beautiful writer, and an amazing example of a faithful creation of the Father.

Thanks once again for honoring me with this award. :)

In His arms,
Abigail Kraft said…
Thanks so much Karin! I have also loved reading your blog and enjoying your poems. You are a beautiful writer, and an amazing example of a faithful creation of the Father.

Thanks once again for honoring me with this award. :)

In His arms,
Abigail Kraft said…
Oops...sorry, I didn't mean to post that comment twice. :P
Anonymous said…
Karin, Thanks so much for the award! I haven't had a chance to put it on my blog yet, but I'll get there! :)
Kimberly Pitman said…
Congratulations Karin on another well-deserved award!
Debbie said…
WOW! Thanks Karin...that is really one of the most thoughtful awards I have seen and I appreciate that you think that much of me! Thank you!
Thank you bunches for the award! This is awesome. It's encouraging as well. I just have to igure out how to post it to my blog, I'm learning how o use the features as I go.


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