Call someone to say, “You are special,” and tell them why.
Tuck a small gift unnoticed into a friend’s pocket.
Drop everything and go for coffee or lunch when asked.
On the way home from work visit a shut-in
Leave the laundry and go for a walk.
Send an e-mail full of thanks, encouragement
and praise for someone deserving.
Let someone cut in front of you in traffic.
Thank your hubby’s mom for having raised a wonderful son.
Bake a small amount of cookies for a shut-in.
At the take out window,
pay for the coffee of the customer behind you.
Secretly write “Happy Birthday”
on their day, in someone’s day timer.
Write a kind poem/verse and mail it.
Bring some sweets for the office meeting.
Give a donation in your friend’s name
to their favourite charity anonymously.
Always follow an impulse to do something good!
Get creative in ways to be kind,
show love, give gifts,
bring joy, speak praise, have fun,
surprise someone, and spend time!
Seize the moments as they come.
Don’t postpone life!
“This is the day which the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
What ideas can you share with us??

Tuck a small gift unnoticed into a friend’s pocket.
Drop everything and go for coffee or lunch when asked.
On the way home from work visit a shut-in
Leave the laundry and go for a walk.
Send an e-mail full of thanks, encouragement
and praise for someone deserving.
Let someone cut in front of you in traffic.
Thank your hubby’s mom for having raised a wonderful son.
Bake a small amount of cookies for a shut-in.
At the take out window,
pay for the coffee of the customer behind you.
Secretly write “Happy Birthday”
on their day, in someone’s day timer.
Write a kind poem/verse and mail it.
Bring some sweets for the office meeting.
Give a donation in your friend’s name
to their favourite charity anonymously.
Always follow an impulse to do something good!
Get creative in ways to be kind,
show love, give gifts,
bring joy, speak praise, have fun,
surprise someone, and spend time!
Seize the moments as they come.
Don’t postpone life!
“This is the day which the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
What ideas can you share with us??

I love your list.
I thought of the scripture
I Peter 4:10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.