Some days I wonder why the Lord had me write some of these poems - expressing some deep pain and trauma which people have shared with me over the years. Other days I get to see how the Lord has used what has been expressed to help someone and I'm humbled and grateful!

She saw the envy on your face
Your mean remarks were meant to pierce!

Each little dig designed just right,
And though you smiled, your eyes were fierce.

Your words cut deep, they hit the mark.

A knife was twisting deep inside!
The pain o'erwhelmed her spirit. Crushed,

To nurse her wounds, she chose to hide.
Your poisoned arrows tried to wreck

All that is dear, you see.

She went to Jesus in her pain

He heard her prayers and agony,

And Jesus said, "Forgive them child,

They know not what they do.

Forgive, forgive, forgive again,
Just as I forgive you.”

And through her tears, she saw your need,

Your pain, that made you shamefully
Hurl all those insults as you thought
She was your bitter enemy.

She mourns and grieves what could have been
And with God's Grace, yes, she forgives!

His Spirit will refresh her soul
In joy again she breathes and lives.
In love she does extend her hand,
It's yours to hold if you so choose.
Love keeps no records of the wrongs,

For if it did, then she would lose.

Karin Ristau


About Nancy said…
What a wonderful poem of forgiveness. Thanks for sharing the truth of God's Word.
Kimberly Pitman said…
No better way to avoid bitterness than to take the hurt to Jesus and leave it with Him. He knows what to do with it. Bitterness only serves to crush our spirit and sometimes seems to do nothing to the person against whom we're bitter.
A neat poem about forgiveness, Karin.. You are such a talented lady. I hope you are publishing your poetry.

Words do hurt---and you can't take them back.. It's like trying to squeeze toothpaste back in the tube. 'Taint possible!!! We all need to watch what we say.
Cathryn said…
Praise God for your wonderful talent to write the poetry. Another beautiful job. Blessings ~ Cathryn
C. JoyBell C. said…
My mother used to tell me somethin' when I was in elementary school... "Charity...when someone shoots an arrow at you, shoot it right back with your eyes! Don't ever let it hit you!"

It always works. :)
Gombojav Tribe said…
I gave you a blog award! Stop by sometime to pick it up!

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