Thanks Evi for your great shot! As a younger woman, I once observed two brothers in the Lord having a falling out and accusing each other. Butting heads is what I perceived. The following thoughts came to mind and I wrote them down. What thoughts come to your mind? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why do we think that the sins that we see Are definitely worse than the sins that we don't? I may recite all the flaws that you have, But convince me of mine you certainly won't! I may express anger, be proud and outspoken, But resentments and vengeance eat you up inside. I may be harsh, impulsive, unfeeling, But cruel deception, slick cunning you hide. In God's eyes, I ask you, whose sin is the greater? Are not both our hearts jet black with sin? Both of us call ourselves Christians, but tell me, Where is the Fruit of HIS Spirit within? Let's confess and repent, humbly ask for forgivene...