To volunteer, to give one's time,
Is a distinctive work of heart.
Rewards are many and eternal
To each who does his part.

A source of pleasure is to know
Our kindness brings a smile.
There’s growth in our own character
Going that extra mile.

Compassion, empathy increase
As we help those in need.
Faith, trust and hope are nurtured
Through gladly done good deed.

We know that angels were rejoicing
When we have shared His Word,
And someone who we never thought
Gave their heart to the Lord.

That loving, caring touch you give
that warm, kind word of praise,
the laughter shared with one another
can your own spirits raise.

The love we think we give away
Returns in such great measure!
We learn that living from our heart
Just echoes on and gives God pleasure.

Thank you for all your faithfulness!
Your generous giving! Dedication!
Your work of heart at 'this place here'
Is cause for joyous celebration!

Karin Ristau ©

Three cheers for VOLUNTEERS!!!

Originally 'this place here' was Shepherd's Care


Praise God for faithful volunteers.
Your poem says it all so well.Have a fabulous day.
Yes, Three Cheers for Volunteers. I couldn't have made it and done all of the things in churchwork which I did for many, many years--without all of the wonderful volunteers. A church is only as strong as the volunteers who do all of the work. For 12 yrs. I worked for a large church south of Houston---and it was truly an 'alive for Christ' church. I had over 500 different volunteers doing all kinds of jobs for me at that church. Oh such fond memories!!!

Doris Sturm said…
Hip, hip hooray for Volunteers! Volunteering is the best way to give from the heart! I love your poem, Karin :-)

Happy Sunday,
Doris :-)
Bernie said…
Wonderful poem Karin and I too thank the good Lord for volunteers. In fact volunteering helped me through the grieving process so I am very thankful for each opportunity to be able to give back........:-) hugs
Jan said…
So much feeling in your poem.... I would love to write too, it just doesn't work out for me....
Yes, the volunteers make a huge contribution, keep a lot of organisations going, with little recognition. It seems most of the older people here in our country town volunteer in the thrift (op) shops or on fund-raising committees.
Have a very pleasant week.. God Bless.
George said…
I definitely join you in three cheers for volunteers. Our world would be in much worse shape if it wasn't for the dedication of volunteers in all areas of life. I really enjoyed your poem.
Glenda said…
As a volunteer myself, I appreciate your post! Volunteering is so rewarding for my husband and I!
Mari said…
Hi Karin,
Thanks for stopping at my blog.
I'm a nurse at a Long Term Care Center and our volunteers are wonderful! What would we do without them? Great poem!
ellen b. said…
Three cheers indeed! Blessings on your week...

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