
Showing posts from November, 2010


151. Dear hubby had a birthday during the week and we enjoyed a quiet relaxing day together celebrating and thanking the Lord for a great life and marriage. You can tell much about a man by how his wife loves, respects and appreciates him and how well his children speak of him. Our guy is the best!! 152. Our beautiful eldest daughter Angela who is celebrating a birthday today. So proud of her as a lovely wife, a great mom of two teens, and an ER nurse at a local hospital. Bless her Lord is our prayer! 153. Memories of my first pregnancy – such a blessing. It was also the week-end of the Grey Cup, I was the only one in the case room and the nurses were hooting and hollering, enjoying the game, when I called one of them to tell her that I had to ‘push’! Suddenly all attention was on the baby and me and we were on the home stretch!! 154. Our son Ken and their cat, Bella, have arrived safely with the huge U-haul and trailer. Thank you all for your faithful prayers and traveli...


I rejoiced with those who said to me,    “Let us go to the house of the LORD.”  Psalm 122


The Parent of All Virtues Gratitude is also the one we are most likely to sabotage. click on the author's name to link Mollie Ziegler Hemingway


Just in time for Christmas I requested the special edition of THEN SINGS MY SOUL by Robert J. Morgan from Thomas Nelson Books to review. Of course, I’m not finished reading it from front to back, but already I know that I will be using this book constantly. It is an excellent resource and I'm so excited to be able to use it right away! I already have volumes 1 & 2 of Then Sings My Soul, and now have added this special edition. I confess, I LOVE old time hymns! In the long-term care centre where I work we sing our hearts out on Tuesday at Singspiration, Wednesday Chapel, and Sunday Worship Services – and small groups on days in between. During the festive seasons of each year we sing even more. These hymns “reveal the faith of those who lived throughout history. Rev. Robert Morgan explored the stories behind some of the best-loved hymns and was fascinated by the accounts of tribulations, triumphs, struggles and hope – ordinary people who connected with God in amazing wa...


Thanks Irene for the photo! To our American Friends HAPPY THANKSGIVING! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;    his love endures forever.  1 Chronicles 16:34


RECEIVED BY E-MAIL - NO AUTHOR GIVEN. Did your mom have a clothesline? Mine did and actually I even did. *THE BASIC RULES FOR CLOTHESLINES: (If you don't know what clotheslines are, better skip this.)* 1. You had to wash the clothes line before hanging any clothes--walk the entire lengths of each line with a damp cloth around the lines.  2. You had to hang the clothes in a certain order, and always hang "whites" with "whites", and hang them first. 3. You never hung a shirt by the shoulders, always by the tail! What would the neighbors think? 4. Wash day on a Monday! . .. . Never hang clothes on the weekend and definitely never on a Sunday! 5. Hang the sheets and towels on the outside lines so you could hide your "unmentionables" in the middle (perverts & busybodies, y'know!). 6. It didn't matter if it was sub zero weather....clothes would "freeze-dry." 7. Always gather the clothes pins when tak...


136. On the road to the ski-lift!  So glad I’m inside because outside it is soooooooo cold! Right about now I'd like to hibernate for four months or live someplace warm - either plan sounds great to me! 137. Daughter coming over for lunch! Woooooohoooo! She’s usually either working nights in ER or sleeping days. When she is off, I’m at work. It’s often hard for us to get together! 138. Daily mail delivery – even though it is bills and advertising – we do receive special greetings, notes and letters the old fashioned way. 139. E-mail – what a wonderful invention! Keeping in touch with family and friends and subscribing to excellent devotional material is simply a delight and almost taken for granted by now. 140. Facebook - connected to a bunch of long-time -  and new - and blog friends - and oversees family members I haven’t even seen in person for over 40 yrs. 141. Facetime – About 40 years ago, during our student pastorate summer in Edmonton, we were lunch...


Our residents, together with the Recreation Department,  entered this scarecrow at a local gardening store competition and they won first prize!  CONGRATULATIONS! Mr. S. (FOIP doesn't allow for me to disclose his full name here!) arrived at the end of September. He found his favorite spot in our facility, standing by the front door, almost like the WalMart greeter. He wasn't much of a conversationalist, but could be quite the conversation starter. He was more the silent type, " for when a fool speaks, he is ruining himself", was Mr. S. favorite quote. He firmly stood his ground on many issues, never flinching as others have done, succumbing to the winds of change. He warmly welcomed everyone - especially the children. He was so touched and almost fell apart when the children showered him with such loving! With the help of dear friends, he pulled himself together again. Nothing much is known about his family history, but apparently many of his family members were ...


BE BLESSED! Here is the link for the news story!


This is our grandpuppy on the first day he arrived. The following link is to a different dog Couldn't embed the video here as it is on someone's own video collections  A friend shared it on facebook  and I went to the link.  Here it is!!/video/video.php?v=444997116547&comments


from online 121. Rain – gentle rains in November to soak in the trees for the winter. 122. So many private, personal things that are not for public announcements and that my heavenly Father knows them. 123. Amazing people we’ve met over the years who have influenced our lives. 124. A raise – however small! 125. That a widowed friend is able to go on a tour around South America for two weeks! May she relax and rejoice! Can’t wait to see her pictures and hear her stories. 126. The comfort of the Holy Spirit to each one according to their need – especially for all those women in my circle of friends who have been widowed – 7 in the past two months. 127. For our terrific children, two daughters and a son, and each one of their spouses! 128. For our amazing grandchildren. What a joy to watch them grow and mature. Lord, may they all be yours is our prayer. 129. For the internet and all the excellent blogs and websites for our reading pleasure. 130. Shadows in lif...


  photo from online I’ve seen a shepherd’s compassion for one of his little sheep. As he listened, once more, with much patience and care Hunched down beside her; looked into her eyes, Then touched her arm gently and offered a prayer. I‘ve seen a shepherd’s tenderness for one of his little sheep. As he sang hymns of comfort; of God’s amazing grace To one at heaven’s gate eager to leave this world behind. Reverently, softly, just one more time, he touched this dying face. I’ve seen a shepherd’s protection for one of his little sheep. As he spoke words of kindness, encouragement, hope To one confused, downcast and wounded. He gave that heart refuge and taught it to cope. I’ve seen a shepherd’s passion for all of his precious sheep. As he led them and fed them at lush pastures ~ so green! Served up Living Water to all who were thirsty! He worked hard without breaks ~behind the scene. I want all shepherds to never forget that we appreciate ...


  Every day can be REMEMBRANCE DAY! SO THANKFUL FOR: 106. People of courage and valor, in whatever their uniform, who gave their lives to serve their country. God bless all families as they remember their fallen loved ones! 107. Our dependable and trustworthy public servants of every branch who serve the people. 108. Dedicated, competent and skilled hospital/medical staff of every type in every area of need. 109. Those who are skillful at educating others. Hubby just received another beautifully hand-written note from one of his former students. 110. My amazing colleagues! We probably spend more time at work than we do with family at home. My co-workers have become friends and mean much more than I can ever tell. I’ve learned so much from each one. 111. People in political arenas who demonstrate integrity, honesty and wisdom in carrying out their God given leadership roles. 112. Compassionate and kind front line caregivers who don’t shun to do the most unple...


One Christmas my mom received a gorgeous Cyclamen plant to cheer her.  Oh, that plant bloomed continuously for over 2 months! After it finished it looked quite dead, but mom wanted me to take it home.  Mom’s room didn't get much sunlight,  because there was a large spruce tree in front of her window and besides, there was such limited space on her little TV table.  I really didn’t want more plants in my house and asked mom if I could leave it in the ‘Link’ as we called it. She agreed! The Link was a connecting walkway between our care centre and the manor next door.  It has a lovely little seating area, is full of houseplants and lots of windows to let the sunshine in. When mom and dad first moved into the Manor in the mid 80s, it was mom who volunteered to take care of these plants! Because she had the greenest thumb I know, the Link was always a showcase of thriving, blooming, interesting plants. The dead leaves and spent blossoms had no chance to fall;...


91. A frosty pink sunset-curtained with fog – even though I didn’t get a photo. 92. Refreshing sleep. Have heard of so many people who have difficult falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up far too early. There’s nothing like a deep, satisfying seven to almost eight hours sleep a night. 93. Opportunity to have lived in so many places in my life. Born in what is now Poland, grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba, married and moved to Sioux Falls, SD. Served in our first student pastorate in Waterbury, CT; our first senior pastorate in two churches at the same time – one in Wyben, MA , the other in Montgomery, MA. Amazing, cherished memories! That time was followed by moving to Woodside, NY as hubby became senior pastor and also where our second daughter was born. After less than a year in NY, the Lord called us to Edmonton, Alberta where hubby was professor of Old Testament until he retired 6 yrs. ago. Here in Edmonton we’ve lived in 5 different houses!! Also enjoyed our 1.5 yrs ...