Every day can be REMEMBRANCE DAY!


106. People of courage and valor, in whatever their uniform, who gave their lives to serve their country. God bless all families as they remember their fallen loved ones!

107. Our dependable and trustworthy public servants of every branch who serve the people.

108. Dedicated, competent and skilled hospital/medical staff of every type in every area of need.

109. Those who are skillful at educating others. Hubby just received another beautifully hand-written note from one of his former students.

110. My amazing colleagues! We probably spend more time at work than we do with family at home. My co-workers have become friends and mean much more than I can ever tell. I’ve learned so much from each one.

111. People in political arenas who demonstrate integrity, honesty and wisdom in carrying out their God given leadership roles.

112. Compassionate and kind front line caregivers who don’t shun to do the most unpleasant of tasks in the daily routine of those entrusted to their care.

113. The freedom to express our thanks to God in the ways we chose. So glad for the time for personal reflections on the blessings in our lives!

114. My uncle who led a quiet, godly life and who at the age of 91 was laid to rest last week. May the Lord comfort my dear aunt and family as they deal with this time of sorrow.

115. Meeting all the younger 2nd cousins at the funeral in Calgary who I had never met before. It was fun to see the family resemblances, get to know who they really are and exchange families memories.

116. Coffee time with old friends to share common memories.


117. Surprises – those of the positive kind!

118. That our son and his dear family are making plans to return to Edmonton. Still finding it hard to believe that it’s going to happen.

119. A very lovely home for them to rent as soon as they get here at the end of the month. So happy for the generosity of siblings one for another!

120. For blog friends who will pray that all things will fall into place for this young family, especially that both will be able to find jobs.

And whatever you do, 
whether in word or deed, 
do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, 
giving thanks to God the Father through him. 
Colossians 3:17


George said…
How wonderful it is to hear that your son is moving to Edmonton. It will truly be a blessing to have his family nearer to you.
Thank you for reminding us this week of the blessing we have in those who serve us.
ellen b. said…
I know the feeling of anticipation of being close to your kids again. Praying that they both can find jobs!
David Rupert said…
Shared sorrows for your uncle...and great that you make it a 'thankful' post!

Anneliese said…
It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord!
Warren Baldwin said…
Wonderful list. And I know your husband is gratified when he receives letters like that.
Glenda said…
You teach us so much about being grateful! Thank you!
Hi Karin, I love reading all of your Monday Blessings... The most exciting to me was hearing that your son and family will be moving back to Edmonton. That will be wonderful for you---and them!!!!! Praise God.

I enjoy coffee with friends also... Awe Heck... I just love coffee PERIOD... ha ha

Have a wonderful day.
Ginny Hartzler said…
So sorry to hear about your uncle, and most of all, your aunt. I will be praying for her. Whatever are all those red things in the picture? I clicked on it and read about Rememberance Day, but didn't see what the red things are! Here, we have the red poppies for Veteran's Day. So your son and his family are moving close? How long have they been away and where were they? How many children? You must be overjoyed!! How great for Christmas!
Mari said…
I'm so happy for you! I can only imagine how excited you are to have him moving nearby! I'll pray for things to fall into place for them!
Anonymous said…
Very happy about your son moving closer. Wishing you a blessed week.
Thinking remembering thoughts this week too. My mom was sharing some of her childhood memories of Remembrance Day, as her older brother had been in the Second World War.

It got me thinking my own memories. Used to love coloring the poppies and trying to remember "In Flanders Field" in school.
pam said…
Life is filled with so much that is unexpected. Rejoicing with you over your son's news. Thanks for all the reminders of so many who work hard, serve and do so very well.
Bernie said…
and I am thankful for your wonderful post. So happy your son will be close by, what a blessing!....Hugs
Karen said…
Much to be thankful for! I enjoyed your blog. Thank you.
Wendy said…
May God bless your dear uncle and family. It's a rough road we travel sometimes.
I am so glad your siblings are looking out for one another. What more could a parent want?
Sending prayers their way - I'm sure they will find jobs. Good ones too!
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to stop back and tell you I thought of your post tonight when I dropped John off for his overnight sleep study. A young mom who is a trained professional, was just coming on duty to observe John for the night. Thankful for folks like her who are dedicated to those who need her expertise. Have a blessed evening.
Karen said…
I enjoyed your grateful many blessings we take for granted sometimes...

Sorry for the loss of your uncle...

Sharing your joy in your family moving closer....
Judy said…
I am happy for have your son and family moving closer to home. And your list of things to be thankful for...had me thanking alongside.
Unknown said…
Dear Karin I lift those prayers up with you and it was a beautifully written post. It is so sad when I hear folks moan and groan about their job. If they only knew to just change their line of thought how happy they could be. I so wish I could sit and have a cuppa with you. I think we would hit it off so well. Thanks for your cyber friendship.

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