from online
121. Rain – gentle rains in November to soak in the trees for the winter.
122. So many private, personal things that are not for public announcements and that my heavenly Father knows them.
123. Amazing people we’ve met over the years who have influenced our lives.
124. A raise – however small!
125. That a widowed friend is able to go on a tour around South America for two weeks! May she relax and rejoice! Can’t wait to see her pictures and hear her stories.
126. The comfort of the Holy Spirit to each one according to their need – especially for all those women in my circle of friends who have been widowed – 7 in the past two months.
127. For our terrific children, two daughters and a son, and each one of their spouses!
128. For our amazing grandchildren. What a joy to watch them grow and mature. Lord, may they all be yours is our prayer.
129. For the internet and all the excellent blogs and websites for our reading pleasure.
130. Shadows in life – which also means the sun is shining!
131. That I can lean on the everlasting arms and know He will take care of everything.
132. Answered prayer.
133. Ability to make choices in our lives.
134. An attitude of gratitude by so many people, especially at Thanksgiving.
135. For the genuine LOVE we can share freely with people without being misunderstood.
Let them give thanks to the LORD
for his unfailing love
and his wonderful deeds
for mankind..
Psalm 107:8
Are you ready for what's supposed to hit tonight/tomorrow? Brrrrr.....
Enjoy your evening, Karin!
God is good!
You sing the Count your blessings ?
Do you think that is a commentary that life has been hard for a bunch at this time - or an awesome statement that many are not living in the drudges of the down moment - but know God is in control all the time - and He works "all things together for good' no matter the situation?
I like that.