
Showing posts from March, 2009


The nail-scars in His hands and feet Are there so I can always see He died upon that cruel cross To show His love for even me. I, too, was there with voice of scorn. And drove the nails in, one by one. I watched His life-blood soak the ground. Did not believe this was God’s Son. But when He cried, “Forgive them Father.” I saw a love I’d never known. He took my place upon that cross! Forgave my sin; called me His own. Replaced despair with hope eternal! I’ve been redeemed, I’ve been set free! Abundant joy, instead of mourning! I’ll live with Him eternally. © Karin Ristau


Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed Isaac Watts wrote many papers for places of higher learning but his most famous work is the hymn, “Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed.” Watts was born July 17, 1674, at Southampton, England. Such compelling lyrics came from a child born into a home of “non-comformists” during the times when the Church of England persecuted Dissenters and Independents. His father was jailed twice during this time of persecution. Despite the fact that this era of intolerance lasted only a short while; it had a significant effect on Watts. In 1707, Watts wrote the lyrics to “Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed.” One line echoes such a impact, “Was it for crimes that I had done He groaned upon the tree?” In 1850, Fanny Crosby answered the altar call at a revival as the audience began to sing “Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed.” When they sang the lyric, “Here, L...


One day I asked the question, “How does one become a monitor?” Dead silence on the screen. “Oops,” I thought, “did I say something wrong?” After what seemed like a very long time, an official Christian Women Today Director came on. She used the private chat button to talk to me personally. Imagine my surprise when a few minutes into the conversation revealed that we had mutual friends! She had been bridesmaid at my cousin’s wedding! These are real people! As we got talking I understood completely that this is what the Lord wanted to show me. We were full of excitement at how He had orchestrated this meeting. I was an answer to her prayer for more volunteers. This ministry was an answer to my prayer for something I could do from home because I could not get out as much as before my injury. Later in the day she telephoned with me. We talked for over an hour! She signed me up as a volunteer with Campus Crusade (as it was known then) right away. Reference checks were simply for her files...


Just like the weather outside, storms clouds were threatening my heart. Christians do become sad. They can have down days. But this was so different. I was preparing for a pity party – just me, myself and I. ‘We’ weren’t too far into it yet when I heard a knock on my heart’s door. I had really wanted to be alone to grieve that I could no longer do all the things I wanted to since my knee injury (yesterday's post). Reluctantly I went to open the door and who should be there but my best Friend! He had something new and exciting He wanted to show me. He had planted a new thought in my mind. Once again He proved himself faithful. Before I called He came!! I was reminded that recently a friend of mine talked about how he enjoyed chatting on the internet. It was common knowledge that chat rooms on the internet are dangerous places where unsuspecting chatters, who reveal too much personal information, can really get into trouble. I’ve never been one to believe all negative and shocking ...


Betty, over at Wiens World , had a funny story this morning about a birthday party she attended for a friend. Her post triggered a memory I thought I’d share with you. Five years ago, just when I was pushing 60, the ladies of our auxiliary were checking out which drapes would look best in the guest room we were furnishing at the nursing home. The chairman's wife was already on the table when I got there. She was holding up one side of the drapes against the window. Because the other two ladies were older, I decided that it best be me getting on a chair and holding up the other end of the drapes. We were having a great time – deciding between this pair or that pair. Laughing, joking, poking fun! Back and forth it went – wow, this one looks nice, but let me see that pair again! When we had finally decided on which pair looked the best, the one we would recommend to the group to purchase, I turned to get off the chair. It had been an easy thing to get on, but I somehow lost my...


With permission from Jennifer Schlick, WinterWoman. Someone sent me this story by E-mail this morning. Just loved it and wanted to pass it on. A stranger came by the other day with an offer that set me to thinking. He wanted to buy the old barn that sits out by the highway. I told him right off he was crazy. He was a city type, you could tell by his clothes, his car, his hands, and the way he talked. He said he was driving by and saw that beautiful barn sitting out in the tall grass and wanted to know if it was for sale. I told him he had a funny idea of beauty. Sure, it was a handsome building in its day. But then, there's been a lot of winters pass with their snow and ice and howling wind. The summer sun's beat down on that old barn till all the paint's gone, and the wood has turned silver gray. Now the old building leans a good deal, looking kind of tired. Yet, that fellow called it beautiful. That set me to thinking. I walked out to the field and just stood there, gazi...


There is a place upon a hill, Where stands a rugged trading post. Here’s where I come each brand new day To trade for what I need the most. I bring my sins, receive forgiveness, I drop my grudges, the whole load, Here I shed tears of deepest grief And in their place His love behold. What joy He gives when I drop pride, And pick up His humility. When I let go of angry thoughts, He fills my life with harmony. That wrecked relationship I bring, It’s something He needs to repair. Here I leave burdens, take His peace. Dispose of all my sorrows there. Oh, I invite you! Come to Him! He offers you great gain, not loss! Exchange despair for hope eternal! Leave all your cares down at the Cross! Karin Ristau ©


Sometimes we think that the things we face in life are unjust, but we don't remember the injustice Christ suffered for us all. Just some thoughts..... I stood accused, yet know I didn’t do it. Now if I had, I would confess, and rightly take the blame. No matter how much I declared my innocence, They heaped on me dishonour, humiliating shame. I cannot feel remorse for what I didn’t do! They’re free to think what they will choose, No more will I defend my dignity; Will not consent to play their game, or I would lose! God knows my every thought; He knows my heart. He knows my motivation, my intent; And when I talked to Him about my plight, He said, “That is exactly why my Son was sent. He took upon Himself the sin of the whole world! Every injustice, every sickness, every pain. This incident now gives you just a small taste, Of what He suffered, and He would do it all again.” We are no better than the ones who cause injustice! We, too, can’t stand before HIM in our own righteousness....


AN IRISH PRAYER May God give you... For every storm, a rainbow, For every tear, a smile, For every care, a promise, And a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, A faithful friend to share, For every sigh, a sweet song, And an answer for each prayer.


Dear Father, Each day’s a new beginning, A chance to change and grow. There’s new joy every morning For my journey here below. There’s love, the everlasting kind, There’s kindness and amazing grace, There’s mercy! Hope beyond compare, As we meet in prayer face to face. For every day of every year You said You’d walk beside me. Your promise—never to let go, You’ve kept it far as I can see! I’ll take the best from all past days And keep them in my memory. The challenges have helped me too To shape me for more ministry. I really only know in part And cannot grasp all of Your ways, but trust Your purpose and Your plan To do me good all of my days. Praise be to You for each new day. I live in great expectancy! Oh, fill my heart with gratitude For what is yet in store for me! Amen


with permission from Irene Seaman , Academy Florists, Winnipeg, MB! Psalm 15 (A psalm by David.) Who May Worship the LORD? 1 Who may stay in God's temple or live on the holy mountain of the LORD? 2 Only those who obey God and do as they should. They speak the truth 3 and don't spread gossip; they treat others fairly and don't say cruel things. 4 They hate worthless people, but show respect for all who worship the LORD. And they keep their promises, no matter what the cost. 5 They lend their money without charging interest, and they don't take bribes to hurt the innocent. Those who do these things will always stand firm.


♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬ Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree? Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree? Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb? Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb? ♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬


God loves the unlovely, gives worth the unworthy, The folks who don’t matter to anyone. It’s for people like that and for sinners like me God sent to the cross His only Son. God loves the self-righteous, the angry, the jealous, Even those who are perfect in their very own eyes. There’s no one on earth who is righteous, no one! Don’t for one second believe Satan’s lies! Christ shouted His love as He stretched out His arms Embracing each one who would come! Unlovely, unworthy, but saved by His Grace! It’s at the cross that new life has begun. Bag-ladies and bums are invited to dine At the banquet feast at the foot of His Throne. We may be surprised, who’ll be all dressed in white Clothed in His righteousness, now His very own!. There’s a place at the table for you and for me With all our loved ones who have gone on before. Oh my friend, come! You have been invited! Please make the choice to walk through The Door. Karin Ristau


  Not always, but sometimes I simply talk too much! Help me to bring encouraging, edifying words, Instead of words of criticism and condemnation. Help me to speak words of love and affection Instead of vain flattery and ego boosting. Help me to have open, loving and honest conversation Instead of taking perverse delight in self-righteous confrontation. Help me to utter words of caring and concern, Instead of something trite and superficial. Let me flow forth rivers of refreshing water Instead of spewing gravel and irritating sand. Let me always speak truth, Instead of giving a one-sided perspective and half-truths Let me be quick to speak comfort Instead of keeping sanctimonious silence. Where there are hurt feelings and pain Let me bring healing words and affirmation Where I want to vigorously defend myself Let me realize that hearing the other side is always the wiser choice. Keep me from carelessly sowing seeds of strife Where I should mind my own busi...


“If you pray the sinner’s prayer, you will instantly be a Christian; just repeat it after me.” Wow, that’s all I have to do to become saved and become a member of the church? That’s like magic!” These comments by two young chatters on my internet ministry, initiated a valuable discussion on the subject of prayer. The impression was given that repeating a formula prayer leads to salvation, even though the chatter indicated no serious interest in becoming one! God does hear a genuine heart cry, even in the last moments of life, but I cannot find anywhere in the Bible that people who are coerced, coaxed or compelled to repeat a certain prepared prayer, are saved. I’m glad however, that it is God who sees each heart and knows whether this person even meant and knew what they were praying. When we share the good news of the Gospel with someone who doesn’t know Jesus, we will come to the point of asking them to make a decision to follow Him. Hopefully with patient, gentle persuasion, but de...


with permission from Irene Seaman , Academy Florists, Winnipeg, MB! Psalm 25 Of David. 1 " To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul; 2 in you I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me. 3 No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame, but they will be put to shame who are treacherous without excuse. 4 Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; 5 guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. 6 Remember, O LORD, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. 7 Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD. 8 Good and upright is the LORD; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways. 9 He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. 10 All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his cove...


Today it's snowing heavily! Way back in '96 we had a horribly cold winter and just for fun on one of our afternoon programs for our residents, I wrote lyrics that can be sung to the tune of 'Way down upon the Swanee River.' ♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬♬ We love to talk about the weather - to all we know. This has to be the coldest winter with lots of blowing snow. Thick fog and icy winds have made it - forty below! But winter doesn't last forever, neither does ice and snow. Chorus: All we want is warmth and sunshine, each and every day! But, God knows what it is we're needin', and He will have His way. It's true the days are getting longer, spring will return, and after that the joys of summer! Oh, how the sun will burn! Hot days and muggy nights won't please us, for cold we'll yearn. Let's thank our loving, heav'nly Father that seasons take a turn. Chorus: All we want is warmth and sunshine, each and every day! But, God knows what it is we...


For all those who visit here and are going through difficult crises..... Though circumstances have me teary, My heart is sorrowful and weary I feel such comfort, love and care! My friends lift me on wings of prayer. Such perfect peace! From heaven’s throne! The strength I have is not my own, I know that I’ve been carried there, By loved ones on the wings of prayer. His wind beneath the wings of prayer Showed me His awesome Presence there! He gently touched, caressed my face All tears and sorrow He’ll erase! He comes with healing in His wings! My heart rejoices, praises, sings! Thank you, my Father, that You care! And that You come on Wings of prayer. Karin Ristau


Many times I have opportunity to listen to people and their challenges, issues, concerns. When I come home I sometimes write down further thoughts and ideas - perhaps something I should have said, but didn't - perhaps my feelings on the same subject - perhaps generating different ideas..... these are some........ Father, I bring you my hurt. I’ve been a child about it. I have had unexpected tumbles, Got deep scrapes and cuts. Like a mother you kissed them better You bandaged me up. I keep pulling the bandage off To see if it’s healing. I won’t do that anymore. Father, I bring you my regrets. I’ve been riding them like a merry-go-round; Playing the same song over and over In vain annoying repetitions; Going in circles, heading nowhere. What a waste of time and energy! It’s even making me nauseous. I’m getting off now. I’d rather be going places with you. Father, I bring you my envy and jealousy. They are like two green-eyed monsters under my bed; Only given life by m...


These thoughts were written many years ago when I went through a deep dark valley - perhaps they can bless someone else today! Father, Some days I simply can’t pray. My thoughts are Racing Rambling, Scattered and won’t be silent. Hurt Sadness Disappointment Regrets Anger Envy Frustration Doubts Fears All shout for my immediate attention. As I try to make sense of this nonsense By cautiously divulging my struggles to someone In a desperate attempt to find help, I am unmistakably confronted with the reality that, No one really understands. No one wants to hear my pain. No one wants to help bear my burden. “They” tell me just to let them go. “I don’t know how!” my heart screams in agony. If I did, I wouldn’t be looking for understanding! I wonder if they would know how to let go If they were in my circumstances? I’ve walled off my heart, To stop the pain. In Your endless grace and mercy, Lord Jesus Could You please send someone who honestly cares; Who will pray for me, Until I truly die t...


When we first bought our condominium years ago, we simply loved the view, but it required a lot of changes. It did not reflect the likes and tastes of the new owner; us! A father and son team, with the highest reputation for excellence, were immediately chosen to redesign and renovate! They moved in all their equipment and for three months we lived with chaos. We hadn’t just traded spaces and this was not being done while we were out! Together this team tore down, but with the purpose to build up. It could have been a very traumatic time for us, except for the fact that we willingly had given full control over to the master craftsman. We lived in hope and expectation of completion of the project! Every new day there was something that either had been repaired, installed, removed, changed or newly created. We patiently endured. Some days, however, we were not so patient; when the supplies didn’t arrive on time and we had to wait; when we had to change a decision because what we wanted ...


with permission from Irene Seaman , Academy Florists, Winnipeg, MB! Psalm 100 A psalm. For giving thanks. 1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. 2 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. 3 Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. 5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.