Just like the weather outside, storms clouds were threatening my heart. Christians do become sad. They can have down days. But this was so different. I was preparing for a pity party – just me, myself and I. ‘We’ weren’t too far into it yet when I heard a knock on my heart’s door. I had really wanted to be alone to grieve that I could no longer do all the things I wanted to since my knee injury (yesterday's post). Reluctantly I went to open the door and who should be there but my best Friend! He had something new and exciting He wanted to show me. He had planted a new thought in my mind. Once again He proved himself faithful. Before I called He came!!
I was reminded that recently a friend of mine talked about how he enjoyed chatting on the internet. It was common knowledge that chat rooms on the internet are dangerous places where unsuspecting chatters, who reveal too much personal information, can really get into trouble. I’ve never been one to believe all negative and shocking comments others make about people, events or things. Besides, more than once I have found that checking things out proved valuable and wise. Researching information on the net is a lot of fun, educational, rewarding and inspirational. I had never been in one of those rooms though and didn’t even know how they worked. I started with Christian Women Today by Power to Change Ministries. It is beautiful women’s e-zine; I liked their lay-out.
Getting into the chat room is very easy. A nickname keeps you anonymous. Often people will ask those in the room “Where do you live?” and the answers come flashing on the screen, England, Australia, Belgium, India, even Iran. Other times it may be Texas, Florida, California, New York, Michigan, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and so on. It was so exciting to meet women from all over the globe! When you enter the ‘room’ you are usually recognized as a newbie. There are others who have been there a while and teach you the best way to ‘chat’. During open chat the women talk to each other about parenting, marriage, church involvement, books they read, recipes or music they like. Anything of interest to women! There is lots of good humour and laughter. However, I was deeply moved by the way they stop all conversation just to pray for one who expresses a need. The ‘room’ is regularly monitored by volunteers from Power to Change. Chatters who do not comply with the Terms of Service and become disruptive will first be warned and talked to at length. If they do not comply they are banned. That is why this room remains the best on the net.
As I participated once or twice a week I noticed that there were many women who just needed a place to find encouragement and prayer. Then they could cope with their unique circumstances. There are teachers, nurses, doctors, students, grandmothers, teenagers, as well as young married women. Women from all walks of life! Some are lonely, bitter, confused, hurting, some physically challenged, and some seeking spiritual direction or advice. Some women, like me, are there to see how God could use their life’s circumstances to minister and help others who are going through similar situations.
Stay tuned for the continuation tomorrow.......
5 hours ago
I think computers are wonderful. They are like anything: Satan can use them for his evil purposes or Christians can use them for edification.
I'll be praying for you, my friend. I've been suffering from some "down" days myself lately. I always enjoy my little chats with you via our blogs.
I agree Karin. The internet is used in a lot of awful ways, but we also know how good it is too. What a great opportunity for ministry and reaching out to people all over the world. I think it is a great way to reach the nations of the good news of God's Love.
Good post.
♥ Joy
Thanks so much Karabeth and Joy for your encouraging comments and your prayers! Be blessed!
Great post! And as you know, God certainly caught my attention with "Power to Change"! :-)
Blessings on you today!
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