Oswald Chambers once said, “If we obey God, it is going to cost other people more than it costs us and that is where the pain begins.” Our obedience to the promptings of the Holy Spirit has a powerful consequence. It can cause someone to become upset, frustrated and to suffer inner pain. On the other hand, the result of another person’s obedience to God might also be the cause of our own pain. The purposes of God are often hidden to those involved and He uses us to affect one another in powerful ways. Have there ever been times when you have not wanted to obey immediately because you knew that if you said what the Lord wanted you to say, it would cause another person discomfort or even emotional pain? Not obeying might have been so much easier! It would have instantly resolved the situation and brought emotional relief, but it would have grieved the Lord. If you are a parent, you have been willing to incur your child’s wrath for however long it takes, just because you have draw...