
Showing posts from September, 2009


“Up, Oma, up,” and his arms seemed to say “Carry me, hold me, let me cuddle awhile. I’ve played long enough  with these toys on the floor!” I lift him up with a hug and a smile. My arms open wide for a loving embrace. He stays but a minute, secure once again. Then he slips off my lap, his new world a’ waiting But he makes time for a hug now and then. When as my Father’s child, I go to Him in prayer I, too, stretch my arms up, wanting Him near. He carries me, calms me, comforts, and heals. I tell Him I love Him; I have no more fear. He holds me and I get a different perspective. I’m safe, protected, here nothing can harm. The world with its toys will soon enough beckon! All my needs are met in His Almighty Arm. Oft though, like a child, I still do wrong I’m not yet mature, full-grown, or complete. I say ‘no’ when it’s clear that His way is the best, And my stubborn pride won’t admit to defeat. He’s a good Father; He’s patient and waits, As I learn t...


What a lovely day for a walk! Lots of sunshine and a little breeze made it a perfect fall outing -  right in our very own Saskatchewan River Valley which divides our city into the north side and south side.  Just a few pictures for your enjoyment! It's a great place to walk the dog,  feed the geese and ducks or jog!  You can see that we've had a very dry summer, but on the other hand it's also time for the grass to be finished for the season. It was fun to watch the geese, ducks, seagulls, and other hangers-on just enjoying their conference before they head out of here before the snow flies. A lovely spot to 'set a spell'! Boys will be boys and these youngsters had fun running through all the geese and ducks to see what would happen! I think the one boy is nursing his foot  from trying to kick at the birds to shoo them away! Hopefully lesson learned! Then up the hill to overlook the river valley! The ...


Amazing women! Retired managers of Volunteer Services in the health-care field in our city. Many years ago they founded the professional group for directors of volunteers in our field. Through their tireless efforts and dynamic leadership, policies and procedures were put into place which brought volunteering in our field to an all time high with unprecedented standards of excellence. Our group was also an important part of the provincial directors in health care. What an honor for me to have been part of this group for the 20 years that I served in that position in a long-term care centre. For one term I was even on the executive. A steep learning curve for me, to be sure! We provided support, encouragement and networking for one another. For the past few years we've been meeting bi-monthly just to keep in touch with each other's lives and enjoy each other's company! Volunteering is still a huge part in each one's life! Every one of them ...


Thank you Father for the tiny jewels of joy in our life. Some may think, “Oh come now, that was nothing. Just a drop in the bucket.” But those dewdrops of joy become an ocean of delight Whose waves wash continuously upon the shore of our spirit. Consistently reminding us that you are in control And everything goes according to your tides and times. Your love sweeps over us and we give ourselves to you In playful abandon, marveling at your never-ending Source of joy and hope and love.


Harry Anderson 1906-1996 "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:18-20


Here's what I came across this morning - and he'll actually do it for FREE! Maybe this is where the church needs to be! I would really love to connect all the lonely in our nursing home with one another. Some don't have good family support because no one lives close. Others are prisoners in their self-constructed high walls, which they have built in their younger years, brick by brick. In the course of my visiting, I do ask if folks want to be introduced to others for the purpose of building friendships. You know, just introducing neighbor to neighbor and let the relationships build on their own. We provide so many leisure and spiritual program options and some folks do dare to venture out of their loneliness, but others needs a little encouragement and coaxing. If you have some time this week, please visit a lonely person!


Mt. Robson in the Canadian Rockies For 50 years we've traveled through these majestic mountains on our vacation. This summer was the first time ever we personally got to see its tip. I didn't have my camera yet, but a month later someone took a photo of it and gave me permission to post it! Thanks Carolyn! Psalm 8 A psalm of David. 1 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. 2 From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. 3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? 5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. 6 You mad...


Didn't know what to write about. The post by Wendy at Changes with Seasons solved that! She has pics of some gorgeous flowers with some creepy crawlies hiding in between the petals. It just gave me a severe case of shudders as it vividly brought back a memory! A long time ago, we attended a beautiful family camp in Kelowna with our young children! During the week we went to one of the many orchards and Peter picked a peck of plump peaches (sorry, couldn't help myself, lol!) It was a lovely afternoon! Upon returning to our cabin, hubby set the basket of peaches on the table near the crib. We put our toddler down for a short nap and went to sit outside to read a book. After a while, we entered the cabin just in time to see her standing at the railing of the crib. She didn't notice us. We then observed her stretching and reaching into the basket from her crib, with her little pudgy hands grabbing a peach and heartily biting into it! Juicy!! Yum!!! NO!!! This p...


This pewter relief hangs over my little roll-top desk and always reminds me of Psalm 42:1 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. I love the way the flash hit it and it looks like light from heaven! In the secret place of prayer At the breaking of the dawn Leave with Him your every care; He will meet your needs - each one! Praise Him for He is your Lord; Worship Him with your whole being. Bless Him for His Holy Word And His Presence you’ll be seeing. His Goodness makes your heart repent. Confess, declare your sinfulness - That’s why to Calvary’s cross He went So you could wear His righteousness! Ask of Him for other’s needs. Seek His Holy Will to do. Knock, He’ll enter with His fire! For there is much work to do. In fervent intercession pray For all you love --- and all you hate That their hearts would seek Him Before it is too late. Serve the Lord with diligence. ...


How do you pack June, July and August into a post? Sitting on my balcony, overlooking the courtyard, enjoying a wonderful mellow breeze, I'm trying to recall some of the details. A few weeks ago we had this fantastic view!! And a gorgeous sunrise the other morning! It was after I took the picture that I read one shouldn't aim the camera directly at the sun, lol! Trust me to click first and then read instructions! Thanks to hubby I've got a new camera which he purchased for me while visiting our son and family in PA in June! I'm learning! We enjoyed many family visits and the highlight this year was my mother's 90th! Rather than have one huge event we felt it would be best for her to delight in numerous shorter mini-parties throughout the month of August and perhaps into September. Some family members were not able to come yet. That way she would be able to have a leisurely conversation with each one! Her menu of choice for each event you ask??? KFC! We honored h...


Artist Gustav Semler, a dear personal friend long gone to his reward! Gustav painted many murals at Shepherd's Care - for many years his place to live and volunteer and mine to work. AUTUMN When it’s autumn on the Prairies All the farmers gather grain. Yes, the days are getting shorter, And we hope it doesn’t rain. Once again the geese fly southward And the trees turn flaming gold. When it’s autumn on the prairies Love like ours is strong and bold. Golfing days will soon be over. Students have gone back to school. We will pick the last few apples, Some will have to drain their pool. We will spend the week-ends cycling, Catch those Indian Summer rays, We’ll watch golden leaves a-dancing On those mellow autumn days. We’ll have special celebrations For God’s bounty from above. We’ve a Father who is gracious Showing us how much we’re loved. Yes, Thanksgiving Day is coming! Let us bow our hearts and pray: ...