How do you pack June, July and August into a post? Sitting on my balcony, overlooking the courtyard, enjoying a wonderful mellow breeze, I'm trying to recall some of the details.

A few weeks ago we had this fantastic view!!

And a gorgeous sunrise the other morning! It was after I took the picture that I read one shouldn't aim the camera directly at the sun, lol! Trust me to click first and then read instructions! Thanks to hubby I've got a new camera which he purchased for me while visiting our son and family in PA in June! I'm learning!

We enjoyed many family visits and the highlight this year was my mother's 90th! Rather than have one huge event we felt it would be best for her to delight in numerous shorter mini-parties throughout the month of August and perhaps into September. Some family members were not able to come yet. That way she would be able to have a leisurely conversation with each one! Her menu of choice for each event you ask??? KFC! We honored her request! Why fuss with an amazing dinner in the heat of summer when you can be practical and respond to her wishes at the same time. Just a little decoration and her favorite flowers of her month - glads!

One of her 16 great-grandchildren presented her with precious artwork and beautiful flowers. Many cards, flowers, balloons and thoughtful gifts arrived and still grace her room!

My dear sis flies in regularly throughout the year to visit our mom and also me! This time she and hubby drove and brought along her daughter with 2 of her children! What a special time we all had together!

Another visit brought some of the other grands and great-grands and we had to wait for nursing staff to get OmaOma, as the kids call her, up with the lift.

After we enjoyed a delicious meal together, we took walks into the lovely gardens of the long-term care centre, we sang some of Oma's favorite hymns for her just standing around the piano, and we sat around and chatted until she felt it was time to return to her room.

Representation was also there from PA. Oma enjoyed Melissa and Delaney's visit and missed Ken and the boys who couldn't come this time.
Evelyn, our second, and her family still had a special time with Oma just before they moved away. (sorry some of these photos are grainy, I took them from facebook!)

Angela, our oldest, who is Oma's first granddaughter, and her family also joined the visit! The tall beautiful teen-age gal is Oma's first great grandchild. And the young handsome man who just turned 12, is the second great grandson.

Oma intently watching how much the little one touched and admired the all the 'pretty flowers'!!! Perhaps this one will have a green thumb like her great grandmother and her great-aunt, yours truly!

Enjoy a snapshot of some of the gorgeous flowers growing in the raised wheelchair accessible garden beds! These beds are assigned every new spring to some of the residents who are still able to tend these gardens independently. Every one of us looks forward to see what will grow this year!

Just a few snapshots of summer!


Warren Baldwin said…
Wonderful snapshots! I like how you spread out the birthday celebration over a month. That prolonged the joy and let others participate in it. Very smart and caring, an idea I will remember! And, I'm with your mom, KFC is good enough to have several times in a month! Great post.
You have shown summer in a lovely way.Your Mother is privileged to have family around to celebrate for so long.
Lady Dorothy said…
Hello, my friend! I have found my way back to blogland. I went on an unplanned hiatus -- you know, the season where life got in the way of blogging. I have missed by bloggy friends! I haven't actually blogged yet, but will soon -- I hope! :-)

Great idea of having mini-parties! I'm all for extending my birthday for as long as possible. I can imagine she felt the same way!
Wow Karin, This is one of your BEST blogs... I love it ALL. It shows what a fabulous summer you and your family had. Seeing your Mama so happy made me smile. I miss my mother so much.

Your pictures are wonderful... You certainly have the 'hang' of that new camera. Love the rainbow and sunrise pictures. WoW!!!!

Karin said…
Thanks everyone for stopping by and cheering me on! Even though I love being an encourager, it is such a joy to receive such warmth and bloggy-love from you all! Good to see you again Dorothy! I think you're still on my blog links! I'll be looking forward to your renewed blogging! I almost prefer reading and commenting to blogging. Bless you ALL!!
C. JoyBell C. said…
That's a lot of info! I feel like this post is like a giant potato stuffed into a little thimble to fit it all in there!!! haha!

So THATS what you were up to for so long, Karin!

That rainbow...have you noticed how the sky on the right side is a little darker than the sky on the left? :) Isn't that a mystery? :)
George said…
I think it was nice that your mother got to celebrate her birthday over several weeks rather with one big party. I will admit that I like your mother's menu choices. KFC is a favorite of mine as well.
Louise | Italy said…
What a lovely story of summer. I'm sure your mother enjoyed all the visits and celebrations enormously. It's nice to have something to look forward to, and not only at her age!
What great pictures! And I love how you spread out the birthday. So thoughtful of your husband too with the camera gift!
Anneliese said…
Your mom reminds me of my mother-in-law who turned 92 this summer. She also always suggests KFC! These women who have slaved hard to raise a family and cook all their life are now taking advantage of something easy! I'd wondered where you were ...
Glad dyou had a good summer.
Can I ask a question? How do you do that copyright sign on your poetry?
Joy said…
What beautiful views you have out your window. What sweet memories to have ~ so many gathered around Oma and love on her. The gardens are beautiful.

Christina said…
Hello my dear sis, you are simply amazing! God has blessed you with such talent of poetry, blessed stories and photos of family times we've shared. I count it a real blessing to have you as my SIS! Mom's 90th celebration was beautifully described with such detail, I felt like I was there again! Hugs from me to you (and of course from Karli too)

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