
Showing posts from December, 2009


Not sure who took this picture of the new day dawning!   To all our family and friends - Wishing you joy bubbling like a fountain,  peace flowing like a river,  and love as deep and wide as an ocean!  Be blessed again in 2010! Hugs!!! A bright New Year before us Each day a brand new leaf. Let’s treasure every blessed moment. Let’s bring each other joy, not grief! New hopes we wish to have fulfilled. New challenges we’ll have to face. We’ll have another chance to love Our fellow man of every race. Let’s take with us the memories Of yesteryear; the ones that made us glad. Let’s leave behind to rest in peace The ones that made us mad or sad. It is my heartfelt, deepest prayer, That God would bless each one, With perfect peace and love and joy Through Jesus Christ, His Son. Karin Ristau©


Nothing -- is what I would really deserve. But He gave me a gift, a marvelous treasure. He gave me Himself; His very life, And love, peace and joy in such bountiful measure. He gave me salvation! A gift so divine! Eternal life up in heaven’s glory! A room with a view He‘s designing for me! Gold, diamonds, and pearls are a part of this story. He gave me faith that keeps growing each day. It was fragile and tiny though right at the start. He gave grace and forgiveness, to keep giving away, ‘cause He knows the very need of my heart. He gave me family and the dearest of friends. Through them I have grown and been put to the test. He gave a hope that I cling to at all times. But to be loved by Him, now that is the best! There’s mercy that’s new each day in the morning! I have His promise, He’ll always be there. There’s a new song I sing to keep praising His Name! I gave Him my heart as I knelt there in prayer! Karin Ristau ©


Fascinating stuff over at National Geographic on stars ! Few years back I worked on this poem, which I thought might make a meaningful song - but, I've not yet written music for it. Someday! GOD WITH US To dwell amidst the limits of mankind, Down from His awesome, splendid, glorious Throne, Eternity came down to live in Time. What perfect love! He came to save His own Chorus: Emmanuel! He is the One! He lived, He loved, He gave for us His all! Emmanuel!  He is the One! He’ll take us home at the first trumpet call! A rustic manger cradled God’s own Son. Majestic angels heralded His birth. Poor, frightened shepherd’s left their flocks to see. Yes, they believed! Their Saviour came to earth!   Later came travelers -  a star as their guide. They found the child and recognized the King! Fine gifts of Gold and Frankincense and Myrrh How had they known what future days would bring?  Oh, come! Believe as once the shepherd’s did! Oh, come...


MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY HOLY DAYS! A Star Shines  Radiant ly Guides the way   to the Baby in a manger only to give up its own life in time  to make more brilliant stars in the sky   Lights Shine and sparkle Glow with soft warmth when connected to the source Dispel gloom and dismal darkness  More lights - much brighter their splendor  Remind us to worship Christ Jesus - The Light Tree Sacrifices life Points heavenward Spreads its boughs wide Stands strong in storms of adversity  Speaks of life eternal with its evergreen Embraces the King in a lowly, crude manger Surrenders itself for a harsh, cruel, hideous cross The more fruit it bears, the more humbly, lowly it bows.   Ornaments Grace  Adorn Beautify Complement Presents    under the tree delight every Child of God! The Holy Spirit’s Gifts are manifested through those who rejoice in Jesus! Come and Celebrate God’s Love and give His...


Web Gallery of Art Link One of my favorite Christmas Carols as a child was, "Mit den Hirten will ich gehen." A beautiful, simple melody!  A few years ago someone asked me to write English lyrics for it. It's not a literal translation, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! With the shepherd's I will go to my Savior.  This I know He's my Master and I see He was born this day for me. With the angels I will say, God be Glory, for this day! You have given peace divine every heart who will be thine. And with wise men I will bring All I treasure to my King. For the best that I can give is my life. For you I'll live! Mary's heart and mine will be filled with awe eternally. At this mystery of love God come down from heav'n above. Now with you, oh Christ my Savior I will celebrate forever. Let my heart your manger be. Come, Lord Jesus, live in me. Karin Ristau


           A candy maker in Indiana wanted to make some candy that would be a witness of Jesus Christ. He made the Christmas Candy Cane. He included several symbols for the birth, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ.   To symbolize the Virgin Birth and Sinless nature of Jesus he started with a stick of pure white candy, hard to symbolize the Solid Rock, the foundation of the Church, and the firmness of the promises of God. He made the candy in the shape of a "J", the first initial of the precious name of Jesus, who came as our Saviour. It may also represent the staff of our "Good Shepherd" with which He reaches down into the ditches of this world to lift up the fallen lambs who, like all sheep, have gone astray. The candy maker stained it with three small red stripes to show the scourging Jesus received by which we are healed. The large red stripe is for the blood shed by Christ on the cross, by which we may receive the ...


Christmas was coming! But this first Christmas season was to be different.  Our whole family got the flu and we were all seriously sick for well over a week.  All our lives the Lord had provided and this was no different. He used special angels to supply our needs. I recall members of the church stopping by the house, dropping off bundles and bags filled with groceries and gifts.  How grateful we were! We enjoyed everything to the fullest - once we were well again. The generosity of the people of our church, their friendship, their love and care for us still brings tears to my eyes. Even though our first Christmas in the new country seemed like not a good start, there were better times to come. In future years at church at this time of year, our Sunday School classes practiced hard and put on a fabulous program.  Recitations, children’s choir carols, and musical pieces all made for a lovely Christmas Eve. At the close of the program every child received a goody ...


A friend sent me this in an E-mail.  Thought you might enjoy this legend! Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youth's rite of Passage? His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him and leaves him alone.   He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove the blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it.   He cannot cry out for help to anyone. Once he survives the night, he is a MAN. He cannot tell the other boys of this experience, because each lad must come into manhood on his own. The boy is naturally terrified. He can hear all kinds of noises. Wild beasts must surely be all around him . Maybe even some human might do him harm. The wind blew the grass and earth, and shook his stump, but he sat stoically, never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he could become a man! Finally, after a horrific night the sun appeared and he removed his blindfold. It was then that he discovered his father ...