Not sure who took this picture of the new day dawning!


To all our family and friends -

Wishing you joy bubbling like a fountain, 

peace flowing like a river, 

and love as deep and wide as an ocean! 

Be blessed again in 2010! Hugs!!!

A bright New Year before us
Each day a brand new leaf.
Let’s treasure every blessed moment.
Let’s bring each other joy, not grief!

New hopes we wish to have fulfilled.
New challenges we’ll have to face.
We’ll have another chance to love
Our fellow man of every race.

Let’s take with us the memories
Of yesteryear; the ones that made us glad.
Let’s leave behind to rest in peace
The ones that made us mad or sad.

It is my heartfelt, deepest prayer,
That God would bless each one,
With perfect peace and love and joy
Through Jesus Christ, His Son.

Karin Ristau©


Wishing you a New Year filled to overflowing with joy and peace.
Bernie said…
Oh how wonderful this piece it, I am positive you should put them all together in book form and have them published.
Have a very Happy New Year and may you and your loved ones only know love, health and happiness in 2010 Many blessings.....:-) Hugs
Lady Dorothy said…
Oh, I like this!

Happy New Year, Karin!
Kimberly Pitman said…
Amen! Here's to a new year full of God's grace!
Anonymous said…
I accept with humble gratefulness all God has for me and my family this coming year. It is within our powder to use it for the honor and glory of God. Blessings
Thank You Karin for your wonderful words... We truly are blessed--and I'm excited about 2010. Someone asked if I made resolutions. I do not--but IF I did, I'd ask God to give me as good a year as I have just had...

Happy New Year.
Linda said…
Karin, this was a good poem my friend! I really love the thought of starting fresh in the New Year and living the life we need to be living in Christ.

A life that is filled with love for our Lord and our fellow man.


Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Anneliese said…
Have I ever told you that I really like the title of your blog? And now, at the beginning of a new year ... we can rest assured in our God who does not change and will continue to go with us each step of the way. Happy New Year!
Karin said…
Thanks for blessing and encouraging me with your kind comments.

Anneliese, the title of my blog is the Scripture verse hubby and I received from our pastor as a verse for our married life! Of this one thing we have always been certain, though the years have brought numerous changes!

Thanks Bernie for suggesting a poetry book, but I wouldn't know how to go about it. I just want to bless others who may like them.

Betsy, I've never made resolutions in my life, having always known myself too well that I wouldn't keep them, lol.

Hugs to you all!
Unknown said…

H A P P Y * N E W * Y E A R ! ! ! :)

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