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One of my favorite Christmas Carols as a child was, "Mit den Hirten will ich gehen." A beautiful, simple melody!  A few years ago someone asked me to write English lyrics for it. It's not a literal translation, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!

With the shepherd's I will go
to my Savior.  This I know
He's my Master and I see
He was born this day for me.

With the angels I will say,
God be Glory, for this day!
You have given peace divine
every heart who will be thine.

And with wise men I will bring
All I treasure to my King.
For the best that I can give
is my life. For you I'll live!

Mary's heart and mine will be
filled with awe eternally.
At this mystery of love
God come down from heav'n above.

Now with you, oh Christ my Savior
I will celebrate forever.
Let my heart your manger be.
Come, Lord Jesus, live in me.

Karin Ristau


Bernie said…
I had not heard this song but it does sound so lovely...thank you for sharing.....:-) Hugs
Having grown up in a German church,I can't say I have ever heard this song.Your words are lovely.I might add that I love the German writing,so decorative.
Kimberly Pitman said…
Beautiful translation! I'm not sure I'd recognize the tune but I hope to sit at the piano and pick out the melody to see if it is familiar to me.
Lady Dorothy said…
I love the theme and words! I wish I could hear it, too. I should go look for it....
George said…
I'm not familiar with this carol, but I like the English translation you provided. Those words are lovely.
C. JoyBell C. said…
Karin, what a small but immensely beautiful labor of love you have created here, translating your own German Christmas hymn/carol into English.

Thank you.

I personally like it when I read something foreign translated into English. There just seems to be a bit of a mystery to it, ringing in the background, and it makes it all more beautiful. :)

Karin said…
Thank you all for your visit and taking the time to leave special comments. Much appreciated!! Have a blessed Christmas season!
Anneliese said…
Karin, thank you for reminding me of one of my favorites as a child. I had forgotten about this song, but the words of the first verse popped right back into my memory and as I read your translation, I sang it in my mind. You have a gift with words. Blessings on you.

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