I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Thomas, Questioning, doubting, distrustful again. Thank you that I’m confident, positive, and so assured, And my life every day honours your name. I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Peter, Impulsive and brash. What a character flaw! I thank you that I’ve been blessed with such dignity And others, of me, stand in awe. I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Elijah Parked by a tree and feeling depressed. I thank you that I’ve got a fun disposition Have real self-control, never show that I’m stressed. I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Jonah Resistant, reluctant, and running away. I thank you that I am humble and meek, Always willing and ready to submit and obey. I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Moses, So self-sufficient, yet overburdened, reluctant to share his task. I thank you that you’ve made me a tower of strength, Just keep me efficient is all that I ask. O Father, forgive us when thoughts such as these, Enter our hearts...