
Showing posts from April, 2009


I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Thomas, Questioning, doubting, distrustful again. Thank you that I’m confident, positive, and so assured, And my life every day honours your name. I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Peter, Impulsive and brash. What a character flaw! I thank you that I’ve been blessed with such dignity And others, of me, stand in awe. I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Elijah Parked by a tree and feeling depressed. I thank you that I’ve got a fun disposition Have real self-control, never show that I’m stressed. I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Jonah Resistant, reluctant, and running away. I thank you that I am humble and meek, Always willing and ready to submit and obey. I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Moses, So self-sufficient, yet overburdened, reluctant to share his task. I thank you that you’ve made me a tower of strength, Just keep me efficient is all that I ask. O Father, forgive us when thoughts such as these, Enter our hearts...


I recall a deeper, darker time years ago and just felt like I needed to share what I struggled with THEN, in the hope that it would help someone who is perhaps there right NOW! Just remember: God is faithful! If the entire world should leave, HE will never, ever leave you! HE will supply your every need! ******************************************************************* I came to Jesus all battered and worn musty memories had my spirit quite torn as they flashed from deep recesses, causing such grief. To examine the feelings and to find relief, I had to look deeper than ever before, shallow thinking would never get at the core. Something had triggered what lay dormant for years! It was foreboding, stealing joy, bringing tears. Inwardly dreading what would be found there I had suppressed it, fearing despair. I had turned the other cheek, so why was I not free, why were all these memories now tormenting me? With a voice full of patience God said, "Come child, it is best to deal wit...


Click on the picture to link you! His Name is Jesus – The Promise of God’s Love Fulfilled by Max Lucado is a stunning hard-cover gift book with artistically embossed lettering outside, good sized font inside and enclosed in a sturdy cover. Although the outward appearance of the whole book is a feast for the senses, it is the content that powerfully shows us Jesus, the Son of God. “He stilled a storm with one command. He raised the dead with one proclamation. He rerouted the history of the world with one life,” writes Max Lucado as part of the preface before he covers “His Birth, His Mission, His Death, His Resurrection and His Legacy” in the rest of the book. This book is a compilation of 20 previous works of Lucado which include prose, personal contemplations and poetry. I like that the best of his previous works is all about Jesus! An excellent choice as a gift or keepsake for all kinds of occasions, such as baptism, confirmation, graduation, birthdays or weddings! It’s filled ...


A picture of my mom, a faithful volunteer for decades! This was her Saturday Craft Sales table - a weekly fundraiser. She is now a resident in the place she volunteered! HURRAY FOR VOLUNTEERS EVERYWHERE! GOD BLESS YOU! A symphony of services Where each one plays his part, Together make sweet melody, That’s really quite an art. Each day you step onto the stage Your skills and talents share. Your love you show our residents. They know when you've been there! You put a smile upon their face. You listen and you care. You take the time to sing a song, To hold a hand in prayer. You laugh together, play a game, And very soon you find That you have made a brand new friend, Who stole your heart, and you don't mind! Those are the joys of volunteering. And you return again, it's true, Because the love you gave away Is coming back to you. We thank you for your active part In our great symphony. Your very presence fills this place, With music and sweet harmony. Karin Ristau


Just breathtaking! And from such a young girl! What a blessing!


There is the wonderful story about a man named Fiorello LaGuardia. LaGuardia is the name of the one airport in New York. LaGuardia was the mayor of Manhattan during the worst days of the depression. He was called “little flower” because he was only five foot four and always wore a carnation in his belt. One bitterly cold night in January of 1935, the mayor turned up at a night court that served the poorest ward of the city. LaGuardia dismissed the judge for the evening and took over the bench himself. Within a few minutes, a tattered old woman was brought before him, charged with stealing a loaf of bread. She told LaGuardia that her daughter's husband had deserted her, her daughter was sick, and her two grandchildren were starving. But the shopkeeper, from whom the bread was stolen, refused to drop the charges. The man told the mayor. "She's got to be punished to teach other people around here a lesson." LaGuardia sighed. He turned to the woman and said "I...


Our daughter-in-law, Melissa, took this photo of the pretty pot of tulips we got her for Easter! Winter's white blanket has melted away, Warm breezes gently are blowing. Sun sends her rays to awaken the flowers. New life through everything's flowing. Birds have returned with their beautiful song. Trees are now dressing in velvety green. Blossoms abound with a lovely perfume. Everywhere new life is seen. Just as the earth is now filled with new life Christ brings to your heart the newness of spring. Old passed away behold all things are new! Gratefully praise Him and sing. Praise be to God, our Creator, our King! Let everything that has breath praises sing! God in His Majesty new life did bring! Karin Ristau

SUNDAY PSALM - 5 versions

Psalm 131 (King James Version) 1 Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. 2 Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child. 3 Let Israel hope in the LORD from henceforth and for ever. Psalm 131 (New Living Translation) A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem. A psalm of David. 1 L ord , my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. I don’t concern myself with matters too great or too awesome for me to grasp. 2 Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me. 3 O Israel, put your hope in the L ord — now and always. Psalm 131 (New International Version) A song of ascents. Of David. 1 My heart is not proud, O LORD, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matter...


Both Robins gladly posed for their portrait by Photographer Ruth at Jake and Ruth's Photo blog! Thank you so much Ruth! BE YOURSELF At five in the morning, right ‘neath our window The robin is teaching the crows how to sing. And every new spring, in meadows or mountains, The crows just don’t get it and do their own thing. Don’t you think, my friend, that’s a message for us? Sent loud and clear from the heavens above? There’s a meaningful purpose and plan for all things For God made each one in His perfect love. He designed all the crows and fashioned the sparrows, Who can’t sing as well as the robins by far. Yet not a one, needs to be someone else, They praise their Creator being just who they are. Who is to say whose song is more pleasing; Whose melody more melodious or right? You must sing your part, and I must sing mine, But together, our song bids farewell to the night. In concert, it welcomes the day’s rising sun. Our recital of praise ought to fill the whole earth! Don’t ever...


Emotions are us; given by God. They are neither good nor bad; they just are. I’ve often wondered if we are being authentic when we seek positive, happy emotions, but stifle and squelch negative, sad ones. Actually, I think, putting into words our negative emotions diminishes their intensity and declaring positive emotions gives us a deeper experience of them. Share the grief; be half as sad. Share the joy; be twice as glad. Be wise. Be perceptive. Be aware. Wisdom and awareness help us to understand and decide between what emotions are reasonable for the situation and what are not. Mercifully, our passing emotional state does not reflect our permanent spiritual position in Christ. Be thankful. Be secure. Be strong. What emotions fill your heart when you think of the lost, visit the sick, grapple with an immoral society, hear of tragedies, have a falling-out with someone or lose your job or your best friend? Maligned, criticized, insulted? Complimented, praised, admired? How do you fe...


Saw this on many blogs today, but got permission from Betty from Wiens World to use it. Thanks! Sunrise! Come; celebrate the glorious Light of His Presence. Darkness must flee where Jesus Christ is King! Other ‘saviors’ lie stone cold in their final resting place. Christ Jesus arose triumphantly! Come worship, rejoice and sing! He died! The One who died once and for all mankind on the cross, Shed His precious blood to cover all of my sin and shame. I’ve been redeemed, made His own! Oh, what an awesome love! He died also for you. Come; call on His Name. He lives! The tomb is empty. The angels declare, “Do not be afraid. He is not here; for He has been raised.” Come, see the place where He lay.” With fear and joy they told everyone. God, in Heaven be praised! He will return! This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, Will return in the same way as you saw Him go. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations. Christ will return, but exactly when, we don’t know. But unti...


Sweat drops like blood upon His brow As Christ knelt in Gethsemane; Then shackles on His wrists As He, betrayed, was led away. The brutal lashes on His body Turned into welts and bled. They spat upon His face As all His loved ones fled. The crown of thorns forced on His head Declared Him the King of Jews. The cross He carried on His aching back Heaped on Him scorn, and more abuse. The pounding of the nails through hands and feet Echoed throughout eternity. The sword thrust in His side revealed That He had died for you and me. His heart bore our transgressions; our iniquity. His life-blood soaked the fertile ground. Yet through His death upon the cruel cross, Salvation, Freedom, Life is found! He paid the price that you and I go free. The only perfect sacrificial Lamb, Has opened up the way unto the Father; Now I can come to Him just as I am. Karin Ristau


One Savior of the World, two criminals, Three crosses in a row Up on a hill called Golgotha, So many years ago. One cried, “Forgive them, Father, They know not what they do.” He died upon that cruel cross, FOR SIN. For me. For you. The other cried, “If you are the Messiah, Just save yourself and us.” Deriding Christ, he died IN SIN, breathing his last upon that cross. Condemned to suffer justly for his deeds, With fear of God, the third one made his final cries, “Oh, Jesus, please remember me.” He died TO SIN, to live with Christ in Paradise. Karin Ristau


Our son-in-law is the envy of his friends and he is deliriously happy! Tomorrow morning he gets to drive to the airport and put his mother-in-law on a plane and send her away! LOL Hubby and I are looking forward to spending 10 days with our son and family in Pennsylvania! Haven't seen them since last August. I might post while there, but then again I might not!! Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. You are a blessing to me! Love,