A picture of my mom, a faithful volunteer for decades!
This was her Saturday Craft Sales table - a weekly fundraiser.
She is now a resident in the place she volunteered!


A symphony of services
Where each one plays his part,
Together make sweet melody,
That’s really quite an art.

Each day you step onto the stage
Your skills and talents share.
Your love you show our residents.
They know when you've been there!

You put a smile upon their face.
You listen and you care.
You take the time to sing a song,
To hold a hand in prayer.

You laugh together, play a game,
And very soon you find
That you have made a brand new friend,
Who stole your heart, and you don't mind!

Those are the joys of volunteering.
And you return again, it's true,
Because the love you gave away
Is coming back to you.

We thank you for your active part
In our great symphony.
Your very presence fills this place,
With music and sweet harmony.

Karin Ristau


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

A beautiful tribute to volunteers who put in so many hours without pay.Thanks.

George said...

What a wonderful tribute to volunteers and to your mother.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Your mother is gorgeous, Karin. Now I know where you got your beauty... Volunteers are so important. When I worked for 12 yrs. in Texas at a large (3400 member) church---I had about 500 volunteers under me. I couldn't have done my job in Children's Ministries with them...


Joy said...

What a lovely poem honoring your Mother and her heart for service.

Beautiful poem for a beautiful lady.


Warren Baldwin said...

Your mom sounds like a wonderful person. And that poem is a great tribute to all volunteers, thanks. wb

On This Rock said...

Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog, with your wonderful poem about Volunteers. I am thinking that you wrote this, and I am wondering if I might be able to use it in my work if I give you the appropriate credits...I am a rural hospital administrator with a responsibility for the volunteers...thanks for using your "gifts" in this way.

Elma (On THis Rock) - e-mail is: diamondintherough2008@live.ca