Thanks Irene from Academy Florists for use of your photo! Check this out on the budding of flowers! Praising the Lord that our dear daughter-in-law is healing from her unbelievable ordeal last weekend for which she had to stay in hospital 5 days. She was not in a private room, but in one with four other women. I didn’t realize we still had such units in some of our older hospitals. Most everywhere it is either private or semi-private. Melissa was so grateful not to have to be alone – waiting for tests and test results can be disheartening. Her hubby, our son, was with her almost the whole time. One of the other ladies in the room came over to pray specifically for Melissa! What a comfort and a blessing!! Thankful for those who pay a kindness forward! Another lady was already being discharged, but because she had asked many questions and found out that Mel’s work permit has not yet been processed – some papers were misplaced - and our son has not found a job yet ei...