
Showing posts from March, 2011


  Thanks Irene from Academy Florists for use of your photo! Check this out on the budding of flowers! Praising the Lord that our dear daughter-in-law is healing from her unbelievable ordeal last weekend for which she had to stay in hospital 5 days. She was not in a private room, but in one with four other women. I didn’t realize we still had such units in some of our older hospitals. Most everywhere it is either private or semi-private. Melissa was so grateful not to have to be alone – waiting for tests and test results can be disheartening. Her hubby, our son, was with her almost the whole time. One of the other ladies in the room came over to pray specifically for Melissa! What a comfort and a blessing!! Thankful for those who pay a kindness forward! Another lady was already being discharged, but because she had asked many questions and found out that Mel’s work permit has not yet been processed – some papers were misplaced - and our son has not found a job yet ei...


Like all little kids everywhere!


It's probably always been this way. We, self included, are so quick to peg someone and give them labels.   Sometimes it's at first impressions  at other times it is after frustration with the individual.  They didn't do what we wanted and  we were happy to plant a label on them. How often has a person been labeled 'critical', when in fact he/she is very adept at being a problem solver! Their brain works in such a way that they immediately see what needs doing; they are practical and rather than being 'judgmental', they are perceptive and decisive.  We probably get very defensive the minute they open their mouth.  What if instead we listened and heard them out? Our parents raised us to be punctual, which meant we were to be thoughtful of other people's time. I cannot count the times I have been labeled 'rigid' because I believe in being early or punctual rather than late. Oh, I know that circumstances beyond our control can make any one of us la...


The scope done today has been successful and surgery will NOT be needed. Mel is still in hospital for another day of observation! She's been through so much, but is on the mend. Ken has been faithfully at her side! The children have been amazingly cooperative here at home. From the bottom of my heart: Thank you for your prayers! God is good all the time!


Dear Blog Friends! Asking you for prayer for our dear daughter-in-law. She been in hospital the last two days. They were told that the doctors will be by shortly to discuss what to do next with the bowel obstruction. This young family has been through challenges that are unbelievable. We're standing with them in prayer and support. Right now I'm babysitting their two boys!  Blessings to you all!


“Read your Bible, pray everyday ….and you’ll grow,” was a little action chorus I memorized as a child. As a mother, I taught it to my children, who have taught it to theirs. Reading the Bible with my husband for our morning devotions or alone in my personal quiet time has become a holy habit, a delightful discipline, a time of daily refreshing. The older I get the greater is my desire to read, be taught, learn, understand and talk about the Scriptures. That was not always the case. While I’ve held the Word of God in high esteem since I was saved as a young girl, there were many times when I did not make reading it faithfully a priority. I allowed other time pressures to encroach; especially during the years of raising the little ones, having foster children, holding down a job and all kinds of church involvement. Discussions at home or at church about the Bible were enough, I reasoned. Over time my casual attitude left me parched however, and I asked the Lord to restore my thirst...

WHY NOT.....

WHY NOT... Love intently Respect mutually Appreciate deeply Give generously Receive graciously Smile naturally Encourage eagerly Forgive immediately Pray unceasingly Help diligently Prepare thoughtfully Think thoroughly Laugh joyfully Trust appropriately Bless continually Wait patiently Serve gladly Live purposefully Choose wisely Act authentically Hope expectantly Speak kindly Nurture lovingly Disciple devotedly Fellowship faithfully Lead effectively Listen compassionately Counsel carefully Work willingly Tell truthfully Plan prudently Preach passionately Rest reasonably Teach intelligently Discuss skilfully Drive defensively Sing harmoniously Play happily Age gracefully Die peacefully Karin Ristau©

A PSALM - devotional thoughts

Psalm 119  is written in a manner in which there are 8 lines (verses) for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. As part of my devotional time  I wrote in the same manner using our alphabet. A ge after age, God, You have been the same. Awesome and majestic are the works of Your hands. Abundant are Your mercies and Your grace. All Your promises are true. As for You, Your ways are perfect. As long as heaven and earth remain, You are I AM A God of love, Always. B ecause of Your great faithfulness, lives are changed. Blessings are showered on everyone, without favouritism. Burdens are lifted for those who believe on You. Bondages are broken by Holy Spirit Power! Boldly giving testimony of Your goodness, Becoming the person You want me to be, Bowing in reverence and adoration , Bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit, is my heart’s desire. C ould we brag that we are acceptable in Your eyes? Conviction of our own sin is the work of Your Holy S...


Thanks to Irene, Academy Florists , for this photo! It snowed almost all week reminding us that, “though our sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow!” It’s coming down again as I write! God’s Word – an awesome treasure! As the pastor has been using verses from Psalm 119 on which to base his message for our seniors, I’ve been reviewing my writings of a personal psalm, which I wrote in the same manner – 8 lines for every letter of our alphabet, just as Psalm 119 is written. I will share it on here in future posts! A fantastic breakfast meeting with the team from work! One of our chaplains shared his wonderful gift of hospitality! They had just finished renovating their home and it looks great – especially the kitchen! Meetings around the table are good for the bonding of our team, as we have added three new pastoral care staff corporately in the past year. Nothing like having prayer partners who know you and your personal and family situation at a deeper heart lev...