
Showing posts from July, 2010


A fun place to sit, enjoy my morning coffee, watch the world go by, read my favorite blogs or actually do some work! We get the morning sun here - in the afternoon this place is unbearable and we have to close the balcony door until much later in the afternoon. The past two years Mr. and Mrs. Canada Goose perched up here. They woke us every morning around 5:30 a.m. flying around our towers, having a honking conversation, and then settling up there surveying their land as though these buildings were mountain peaks. Don't know if they had a nest up there. The Department of Wildlife would relocate the family  once the young ones were hatched. The closest body of water is a few kilometers away. They've left now for the season. I really ought to check out that pot o' gold at the end of the gorgeous rainbow. It must be close by! The Geraniums planted in that flower bed two months ago are enjoying the warm summer days and have come into full bloom!  We...


In the lazy days of summer We’ll be sipping lemonade. With the bright blue sky above us We will try to find some shade. We will visit sandy beaches Cross the lake in our canoe. In the lazy days of summer What a joy to be with you. We will watch the children playing, Or we’ll sit and read a book! We may hike and tent on mountains, Splashing in the babbling brook. In the evening by the fire, We’ll sing every camping song, We will do much outdoor living, For our summers are not long. We’ll enjoy the fruits in season, And we’ll watch our garden grow! We will gather juicy berries, Canning jellies by the row! We’ll have friends and family picnics! Take a trip to far away, Yes, our summer months are precious; God gives joy each brand new day! Karin Ristau


Thank you Jake and Ruth for these photos! Frankly, I don’t smell anything like a rose. You won’t find delicious fruit on my stems. The lilies in all their glory  are more beautiful than I. The gladiola is so tall and stately - let’s face it I’m short and stumpy. A bride wouldn’t be caught dead  carrying a bouquet of my flowers. You’ll never find me in the florist’s shop. Actually, they call me a weed against whom every conscientious gardener  wages war. Yet, I’m not ashamed to bloom; I’m never discouraged and I refuse to hide. I simply bloom and grow in such abundance because my Creator planned it that way. I am truly a gift for you. I am the dandelion,  taraxacum officinale my botanical name. I’m a puffball that every child or  child-at-heart has taken to hand and blown to the wind. That’s why I can grow anywhere,  sun or shade, valleys or mountains. I’m so thankful that wherever I am,  is home. I look like a mini-sun,  full of poin...


Banff - Bow River Vacations can be relaxing or simply a change - both are beneficial.  When you get together with six adults and six children you love, it's a fun time! Not sure how much 'rest' the moms got, but hubby and I enjoyed our time together.  The weather was just right some days, yet cool and wet other days. Lots to see and do - at the lake, at the hot springs, on a hike, at the ice cream store, having barbecues at home or eating out (my first time for sushi!)  and just hanging out and playing a few games. Hope that one of these years our son and his family can join the rest of us. It's more difficult for them as they live so far away.  Back to work on Monday and don't know yet when our next break will be. We'll have these moments to remember and thank God for traveling mercies and a great time! Lake Windermere - cool day! In her glory - climbing trees!   The three of us had all kinds of fun for half a day waiting for the rest of the family t...


Mt. Robson - not in the clouds for a change! We're heading out to Radium and Invermere, BC   in the Canadian Rockies  meeting our two daughters and their families there for a short, but much needed vacation!  Sure wish our son and family could have joined us. Perhaps another year! See you on July 19th, or thereabouts!   Keep us in your prayers! God bless!


During our whole year of being engaged, hubby studied very hard and we wrote lots of love letters, which I still have of course! I kept quite busy working for the Pathologist at the Children's Hospital in Winnipeg. We did what we had to do and we were happy! In my spare time I coordinated all the wedding preparations for our big day on July 2, 1966!  As was done in those days, the bride’s parents paid the bills, except for several expenses that were totally the groom's responsibility. We had invited around 200 guests - dear family and friends from church and community.  The above is a family photo. The weather on our wedding day was stifling hot and it poured all day, apparently all across the country, according to comments, a dear old friend, Onkel Jonathan Otto made at the ceremonies. We didn't care!!  To us it meant that there would be showers of blessing from above throughout our marriage! Of course, we were right! We could not take any outdoor photos and ...