Thank you Jake and Ruth for these photos!

Frankly, I don’t smell anything like a rose.
You won’t find delicious fruit on my stems.
The lilies in all their glory 
are more beautiful than I.
The gladiola is so tall and stately -
let’s face it I’m short and stumpy.
A bride wouldn’t be caught dead 
carrying a bouquet of my flowers.
You’ll never find me in the florist’s shop.
Actually, they call me a weed
against whom every conscientious gardener 
wages war.
Yet, I’m not ashamed to bloom;
I’m never discouraged and I refuse to hide.
I simply bloom and grow in such abundance
because my Creator planned it that way.
I am truly a gift for you.
I am the dandelion, 
taraxacum officinale my botanical name.

I’m a puffball that every child or 
child-at-heart has taken to hand
and blown to the wind.
That’s why I can grow anywhere, 
sun or shade, valleys or mountains.
I’m so thankful that wherever I am, 
is home.
I look like a mini-sun, 
full of points of light, color and warmth.
Thank you, God, for the sunlight in my life.

My nectar is sweet and inviting 
to the insect world;
the bees make delicious honey.
My leaves are a tasty, nutritious for animals 
and people alike.
Thank you, God, that I can nurture others.
My flowers are medicinal, 
being used in digestive or diet drinks;
an excellent tonic, extremely good for the blood. 
My roots can be ground into coffee 
which has a stimulating influence 
over the whole system, 
helping the liver and kidneys to do their work, 
so that it offers great advantages to dyspeptics 
and does not cause wakefulness.
Thank you, God, that I can help others heal.
Try and get rid of me; just try!
My roots are strong and go deep, 
 that’s the source of my power;
firmly grounded and rooted in a sure foundation.
Thank you, God, that I am rooted 
and grounded in You.
I’m not in love with myself,
but am constantly open to the changes 
that my Creator has planned for me.
Everything that blossoms and blooms, 
eventually ages and withers away.
I don’t worry 
about the natural process of aging,
but live as was ordained for me.

Found this on YouTube - still need to listen to it myself

Thank you, God 
for the seasons and cycle of life.
Each year I go through the seasons 
of poking my head
through the warm earth
and then dying off before the long wait of winter.
Thank you, God, that I have learned to wait upon You.
The wind is my rough, but my dearest friend.
His faithful blows into my face carry my seeds 
on little parachutes to a new life of their own.
Thank you, God, for my friends 
who bring the winds of change.
He who finds me, 
may pick me and weave garlands in wild abandon
or blow my seeds to the adventurous travel,
because my heavenly Father 
has made me to be useful
simply where I’m planted.
Thank you, God, that I may delight children
and each child-at-heart 
who sees You at work everywhere.

Karin Ristau
Loosely based on a German poem
by Helmut Herberg


Thank-you Karin for this beautiful post.The Dandelion is a lovely flower,but too often it is looked upon as only a weed.
Bernie said…
Only you could make such a beautiful post on a Dandelion and I enjoyed every word......:-)Hugs
George said…
A dandelion will never be just a weed after this wonderful post. Thank you.
Very nice post, Karin.... I love your poem... It's true--we all cannot be beautiful roses---but we can 'bloom' and thrive as God intends --whatever and whoever we are.


Have a great weekend.
Glenda said…
Wow! You are so talented as a writer! This beautiful piece is full of wisdom and truth - truths that anchor us in Christ and keep us growing and blooming where we are!
Lady Dorothy said…
What a beautiful lesson shared in such a beautiful way. Lovely!

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