
Showing posts from January, 2010


Betty, over at a Glimpse Into Midlife , had an interesting set of questions I thought I would answer.  It helps to have a writing prompt because I often have no idea of what to share.  1. How good are you at delaying gratification? Perhaps because I learned in very early childhood that I can’t have everything I want,  I can delay gratification until I truly don’t want ‘it’ any more – whatever I was waiting for that is! Often I’ve realized that what I thought I wanted, I really didn’t NEED!! 2. Maybe a marshmallow wouldn't be too difficult a temptation for you. What food (or anything else) would be most tempting? Hubby does the grocery shopping most of the time.  When he comes home on Saturday morning with fresh buns from the bakery and fresh European cold cuts, well, it’s time for breaky, brunch, snack, whatever you want to call it! That’s my biggest temptation and I usually give in.  A person has to eat!  There’s ice cream, my fav in the freezer, but I...


Oh, the bugs out there are frightful! What you’ll catch is NOT delightful! Since you don’t want sick, sick glands! Wash your hands! Wash your hands! Wash your hands! Bugs now don’t show signs of stopping! And we know they mutate! -  Popping Up all over you’ll find new strands! Wash your hands! Wash your hands! Wash your hands! Yes, we finally understand How much damage those bugs can do! We're determined we'll stand and fight Let’s say goodbye to the flu! Yes, the bugs out there are frightful! But it’s now we must be spiteful! Health and Safety now commands! Wash your hands! Wash your hands! Wash your hands! Karin Ristau


Photo by  Evi Krahn You find reminders of God's love everywhere!        To walk intimately  and genuinely with Jesus,  can be in complete silence,  no words coming from our lips,  but with a head lifted up in worship,  with ears intent on listening to His voice,  with hands open to receive and then give, with a heart overflowing with His joy,  and with eyes weeping  with the knowledge of His wonderful LOVE!!! Karin Ristau


Oh, I can forgive, but I will need time, To work all my pain and my feelings through. Oh, I can forgive, but get out of my life, You won't be restored; I've lost trust in you. Oh, I can forgive, but first you must prove Yourself to me in all that you do! Oh, I can forgive, but I’ll always warn others To be very cautious in dealing with you. Oh, I can forgive; it just won't be the same as before! What if God had said those words to me and to you? Forgiveness in love God did not just say, Forgiveness and grace He has shown me and you. God gives us even much more than that, He warmly welcomes, forgives, and restores! Again and again He shows mercy to all And He makes things better than ever before. Forgiveness is something we must not just say, Forgiving is something we're told we must DO! To humble one's self is not death, but life! Forgiveness shows others that Christ lives in you. Let the Spirit of God soften your heart, And risk lov...


sorry, don't know the name of the castle. Father, I want to thank you for the one who rebukes me; The one whose subtle digs, stabs and comments Often elicit a defensive position in my spirit. In my utterly depraved nature - In my bent to sinning - I want to react fiercely and respond with Defiance Pride Rebellion Disobedience Anger Bitterness Arrogance Hate Resentment Self-pity Jealousy. As these all take turns mounting a spiritual attack. I realize that my desire to respond a certain way, Is not a reflection on the other person, But rather brings to the surface my inner struggles. Father, I am a new creation, however! I see these attacks as part of my maturing process, As occasions allowed by You to test, try and teach me. I no longer hide in fear  behind the trees and in the bushes! I have my armor on! I firmly stand my ground, And with the power of Your Holy Spirit vested in me, as a Child of God, the Daughter of the King of Kings, I boldly de...


Photo by Evelyn Krahn Psalm 19 For the director of music. A psalm of David.   1 The heavens declare the glory of God;        the skies proclaim the work of his hands.   2 Day after day they pour forth speech;        night after night they display knowledge.   3 There is no speech or language        where their voice is not heard.    4 Their voice  goes out into all the earth,        their words to the ends of the world.        In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun,   5 which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion,        like a champion rejoicing to run his course.   6 It rises at one end of the heavens        and makes its circuit to the other;        nothing is hidd...


click here for more info Who has never experienced pain?  Whether physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual pain, there is probably not a person on the face of this earth who has been pain free. Each person's pain and each response to pain is unique. This book seeks to help the reader 'uncover the hidden potential in life's most common struggles.' Finding Purpose Beyond Our Pain:    Uncovering the Hidden Potential in Life’s Most Common Struggles by Dr. Paul Meier and Dr. David L. Henderson,  is the book I chose for my Thomas Nelson Book Review. As I have long ago learned that God usually has a greater purpose for the painful circumstances of my life, this book’s title caught my eye and I sent away for a free  copy. It does us no good to seek a pain free existence; we would miss the treasures of personal growth if we do! Honestly, our painful experiences are often the catalyst for such growth. Both Drs. Meier and Henderson are on the faculty ...


  click on pic for link Our Sunday School was my favorite! Children had the opportunity to learn Scripture verses off by heart and recite them to the teacher who kept track.  If you memorized 250 verses per year, you could earn a free week at camp and even earn a Bible.  What an amazing incentive!  I still don’t know who were the benefactors, who paid for a week of camp for all the kids that achieved this goal. I memorized scripture every year and went to every camp FREE until age 15.  Then at that age I was deemed mature enough to sign up as a counselor for the younger ones. I still have my Bible that I received for memorization – even though the print has become so much smaller over the years! It was at summer camp in 1955 that I decided to follow Jesus after one of the counselors, Ida Hoffman, gave the invitation. I’m not quite sure I understood completely what all that meant, but I wanted to belong to Jesus more than anything.  I agreed that my...


spending time with family I’m busy; some days more  than I want to be. I may be busy,  but never too busy, you see, To drop all that I’m doing  to talk with you, To change my plans,  do what you want to do. To laugh, to listen,  to love, say a prayer. If you ever need me -  I’ll make time to be there. I’ve finally learned  to put my Jesus first! Long, long ago  I was filled with such thirst! I’d lived long enough  in that desert so dry! It was time for a change  or I’d surely die. I said, “Busyness keeps me  away from You, And what keeps me from You  is idolatry too!”   I finally got  my priorities straight!          I'll be glad to chat  - now           or arrange a lunch date! Now Christ is always  First in my life, Then I make time for us -  hubby and wife. God slowed me ...