Betty, over at a Glimpse Into Midlife , had an interesting set of questions I thought I would answer. It helps to have a writing prompt because I often have no idea of what to share. 1. How good are you at delaying gratification? Perhaps because I learned in very early childhood that I can’t have everything I want, I can delay gratification until I truly don’t want ‘it’ any more – whatever I was waiting for that is! Often I’ve realized that what I thought I wanted, I really didn’t NEED!! 2. Maybe a marshmallow wouldn't be too difficult a temptation for you. What food (or anything else) would be most tempting? Hubby does the grocery shopping most of the time. When he comes home on Saturday morning with fresh buns from the bakery and fresh European cold cuts, well, it’s time for breaky, brunch, snack, whatever you want to call it! That’s my biggest temptation and I usually give in. A person has to eat! There’s ice cream, my fav in the freezer, but I...