Who has never experienced pain?  Whether physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual pain, there is probably not a person on the face of this earth who has been pain free. Each person's pain and each response to pain is unique. This book seeks to help the reader 'uncover the hidden potential in life's most common struggles.'

Finding Purpose Beyond Our Pain:  
Uncovering the Hidden Potential in Life’s Most Common Struggles by Dr. Paul Meier and Dr. David L. Henderson, 

is the book I chose for my Thomas Nelson Book Review. As I have long ago learned that God usually has a greater purpose for the painful circumstances of my life, this book’s title caught my eye and I sent away for a free  copy. It does us no good to seek a pain free existence; we would miss the treasures of personal growth if we do! Honestly, our painful experiences are often the catalyst for such growth.

Both Drs. Meier and Henderson are on the faculty of Dallas Theological Seminary.  They share from their combined clinical experiences and years of Biblical counseling expertise gained by helping people walk through their pain. Their writing style is to use real life examples, people with whom we can readily identify, which makes for easy and helpful reading. These stories were the best part of the book.  Each section of the book can be read alone without missing anything. There are discussion and application points as well at the end of each section. Good idea for a home Bible Study! The seven universal struggles of life include Injustice, Rejection, Loneliness, Loss, Discipline, Failure, and Death. Drs. Meier and Henderson show us how to not only GO through them, but GROW through them. For some this may be a very helpful read, yet others may find that applying the principles set out in the book may require more exhaustive information dealing with their specific pain and/or trauma!

I would definitely recommend this book to people who are trying to understand God's purpose as they wade through hardships, pain and traumas in their lives. There are no pat answers! I consider this book a very helpful resource for anyone who counsels people or as a gift for a friend. Both authors are psychiatrists who are Christians and I appreciate their biblical perspectives and insights.

I review for BookSneeze


Bernie said…
Karin I think I would really enjoy reading this book. I volunteer with terminally patients and people living with chronic pain not to mention my own issues. Thank you I will look for this book at Chapters.......:-) Hugs
Warren Baldwin said…
Good review of what looks like a great book.
Sounds like that is a GREAT book, Karin. I am going to write this one down --in case I need a book like this for a friend or family member. Thanks so much for the review, Karin.
George said…
Thanks for the review of what sounds like a wonderful book to have on hand. All of us have struggled through pain at one time or another.
Anonymous said…
Great review Karin. I have one daughter who would love that as well as myself. I wanted to leave you a comment about my picture of the Wild Turkey bottle. At Christmas time someone brought a couple of bottles of bourbon in and most was not drank. One of the grands said to me, after I mentioned not finding the wild turkeys in the country. "Mamaw take a picture of some Wild Turkey Bourbon and put that up." I said, "I don't have any Wild Turkey." She said "Yes you do in the china cabinet." I thought that was so funny. I got a kick out of posting that.
Anonymous said…
Amiable brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.

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