
Showing posts from October, 2009


Would you please water  my plants while we're gone? Off to visit family and friends in Manitoba and then visit our daughter in southern Alberta before returning home November 3, 2009. BE WELL my dear blog friends!


The babbling brooks The crystal clear falls The rolling rivers Rush down the mountains Strive through deep gorges Meander through lush valleys Become ultimately one with the vast oceans, Giving up their own identity Beginning their new destiny So too must my will Be totally immersed in the will of the Holy Spirit No longer am I me But totally immersed in Him Under His control Yielded to Him, willingly, who is now everything to me I long to be one with the One who loves me eternally.   Karin Ristau ©


“Every man knows if he gets his wife angry, she will nag him.  If, however, he gets her really mad, he will receive the silent treatment.  Now men, isn’t that worth the extra effort?” the guest speaker said and everyone laughed.  Have a good chuckle! I did too! BUT when I gave the comment more thought I felt that it is actually NOT funny to be on the receiving end of the manipulative power of the silent treatment, whether in a marriage, a friendship or any other relationship.   It is risky business to leave it up to the receiver to decipher what this silent treatment means. Silence is not as silent as many may think, but rather suggests many conflicting things. "You are not worth my time and effort to talk this out.” "I've made up my mind and your talking won't change it.” "I'm not open to you.” "I won't give you the satisfaction.” Silence says, "I can only cope by believing that I am right.” Or "I don't want your perspective.” Silence...

A MEANINGFUL MEMORY - October 14 - part 1

Photo taken of my family either prior to sailing or already on ship!  Fifty-five years ago today I turned ten on the ship as we sailed from Germany across the Atlantic Ocean to start a new life in Canada! A week or two before sailing, we had painfully said goodbye to all the wonderful relatives – grandparents, aunts, uncles and especially the many terrific cousins!  That was not easy!!!  Lots of hugs, tears, teasing and promises to write! For my upcoming combined birthday/goodbye gift, I received my first wristwatch from my parents and grandparents! (The wristwatch did make it to the new land, but this curious little girl had to find out one day many months later what makes a watch tick, thereby ruining the works.  She felt that she deserved to be on the receiving end of her strict father’s wrath as he then meted out her punishment.) We traveled by train to Bremen, and stayed there until health examinations and clearance was given to our whole family to board ...


On numerous occasions, being Opa and Oma gave us the honour to tuck our little granddaughter in for the night. She always wanted to be first to say her prayers and then it was our turn. “Thank you God, that you made such a beautiful world! Thank you that the leaves can soon come. Thank you that the grass is going to turn green. Thank you that when the leaves fall again, it’s going to be my birthday. Thank you that I could go to school today. Thank you that Daddy got to call. Thank you that we could have a long talk. Thank you that Opa took me to the bus today. Thank you that he picked me up after school. Thank you that Oma gives the best hugs. Thank you that we can love each other soooo much. Thank you for my cousins. Thank you for my family. I really, really want to be a kind and good princess. Amen” Thank you, thank you, thank you and some evenings the list went on and on. And then she’d finish with, “Now I lay me down to sleep; I pray the Lord myself (yes, that’s how she says it!...


Words of appreciation flow freely And deep from within my heart. There are so many things  one could mention, But where, oh where, do I start? I praise and thank God  in every remembrance, For the investment made into my life, By those who have been  my faithful shepherd; Each caring pastor and his loving wife. That you have spent time  in His awesome presence, Shows in each powerful message you bring. When your heart  knows His mercy and grace, It shines through in the way  that you worship and sing. What joy it must be  when the weakest (in your opinion!) of sermons Has met the need of one wounded soul ~ When the Father in heaven gave it His anointing, Releasing His Power to make that one whole. When you’re teaching of kindness,  of love, of forgiveness And there’s evidence that you live what you say, I’m grateful to God for your shining example! Your faith, like mine, is still growing each day! Thank you fo...


The pastor may be like King David, a man after God’s own heart! But pastors are people too; I’m guessing that’s not news to anyone. I could be wrong, but they too may have insecurities, anxieties, quirky personalities and perhaps unresolved emotional issues. Just like the rest of humanity to whom they’ve been sent to minister God’s love! God calls these spiritual leaders however, to “prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Eph.4:11-12. Wow, we are actually partners in this ministry! We are in teamwork to demonstrate how the Father’s love and grace flows freely to one another. We need to build one another up through encouragement, loving support and nurturing of our faith. We also sharpen one another by telling the truth in love. God opens doors for ways to serve together where He is already at work. Almost every pastor’s wife I know delights when her hubby is loved, esteemed and appreciated by the whole church family. Maybe she secret...


An unusual plant in our 'link' at work. It's a lovely spot to sit among the gorgeous plants! Photo by Evelyn - our daughter Father, I thank you for my encourager; The one you sent who sensed my need, Who gave the refreshing word Which brought a smile to my face! Oh, my circumstances didn’t change, But the apt comment stirred my spirit To be grateful To be patient To be content In the midst of the difficulties! My load lifted as I listened. My spirit soared  because it had been touched - By your kindness and gentleness Through a heart that cared about me. I felt understood. I know I am loved, respected and appreciated. I knew I could go on. That was a gift  straight from your heart, through that heart, to mine! Thank you Father  for your great love Sent via a willing messenger. Karin Ristau copyright


GOOD  MORNING My face in the mirror Isn't wrinkled or drawn. My house isn't dirty. The cobwebs are gone. My garden looks lovely And so does my lawn. I think I might never Put my glasses back on. this has been floating around the internet and came by e-mail this week