- tell me - 
that someone paid this lady 
to call in to the radio station 
 for a lark 
just to produce this funny video
and that this really didn't happen! 
 I almost can NOT believe this is for real,
but the hosts of the show are speechless! 

Please, pass this on, 
to create greater awareness!!!

Maybe this is what she meant 
 Check this out too!


Lady Dorothy said...

Shaking my head, but laughing.

Karen said...

Unbelievable! I was telling my hairdresser that my daughter-in-law hit a deer on the expressway going 75mph and wrecked her car. The hairdresser replied, "Oh, yeah. Those deer can really run fast!"

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Goodness, Guess that lady thought the deer could READ, huh????? She was truly serious with her request...

SO--if the city moves the signs, the deer won't cross there... ha ha ha ha

Thanks for the smile today.. I'm still scratching my head.


Mari said...

Oh my word! I'm laughing here too.

Anonymous said...

Oh how bizarre!

Unknown said...

Laughing Out Loud. This made my day! Thanks for sharing it.

Anneliese said...

This is the funniest video I've seen iN a while! Oh boy.... what can I say? Cause for a good laugh .. and maybe not say too much...tempting as it is.

Judy said...

Oh boy! Too funny. Please tell me this isn't real.

Shug said...

Still in disbelief!!! As my son-in-loves would say.....Blonde maybe??


George said...

This is so funny. The funniest (or saddest) part is that the lady sounds perfectly sincere and concerned.

Wendy said...

Shaking my head too.