Here's a bouquet of orchids for you!!

Everyone of us had a mother 
and entered this life through a womb! 
Let's honor all mothers
and thank them for their part in giving us life.
Feel free to make yourself 
a copy of the poem on pretty paper
and use it as a bookmark to remind you
how much you are loved by our Heavenly Father!


You’re a woman of worth
Loved perfectly by the Lord!
Be a woman of wisdom,
Your life fully based on His Word,
Be a woman of wealth,
As you store up eternal treasure!
Be a woman of warmth
Giving and loving
In bountiful measure.
In valleys, as a woman of weeping
Discover His wellspring of joy;
With praises and singing and prayer
The works of the devil destroy.
Be a woman of wonder;
How God is working
In and through you!
Let your wisdom and wealth ,
Bring glory to Him in all that you do.
Be a woman of worship,
He alone is worthy of praise!
In everything giving thanks always
Your voice of true freedom raise.
Let your sweet, winning smile,
Your warm, welcome heart
Show others what life’s all about!
Don’t be a woman of worries,
Or fears, frustrations and doubt.
It is through Christ
You CAN do all things,
His strength is yours
Each new day on this earth!
Let no one persuade you
To think otherwise!
You are a woman of worth!

Karin Ristau©

Hubby and I are off to Winnipeg 
for an extended week-end 
to visit family and friends!


Glenda said…
Wonderful, uplifting words, Karin! Happy Mother's Day to you!!
ellen b. said…
Thanks for sharing your encouraging poem Karin! Have a good trip and a very happy Mother's Day to you.
Ginny Hartzler said…
Your poetry is always wonderful, beautiful and thought provoking...
Aritha V. said…
So nice! Have a good trip!
Mari said…
Beautiful poem! Enjoy the weekend!
George said…
All I can say about your poem is -- WOW! It's wonderful.
Enjoy your weekend and safe travels.
NCmountainwoman said…
Have a safe and wonderful journey. Glad to know both of you are doing well and traveling.
Happy Mother's Day and thank you for sharing this lovely poem.
Lady Dorothy said…
Powerful poem. Thank you.

Have a great trip and a wonderful Mother's Day!
Marg said…
Thank you! I love your writings.
Kimberly Pitman said…
Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day, Karin!
Unknown said…
Hi Karin, thanks for stopping by. Hope things are going along well for you and hubby. I will make a copy of that poem and use it as you suggested. Enjoy your get-away with loved ones. Great healer.
Unknown said…
I needed to read this today. What beautiful words. I always like to think "I am a daughter of the King." I am going to copy this now and make a bookmark. Thanks for the idea.
Terra said…
I came over from Ruth's blog to say hi. How neat you two met in person. This poem is very meaningful to me.

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