My younger brother Garry and sister Christina
and yours truly

Over the mountains 
and down to the beautiful valley of Chilliwack, 
in lower mainland BC.
   Five fabulous days 
staying with my sister and brother-in-law
with the nieces and nephews little ones
oooing and awwwwing
at the amazing scenery
waiting and waiting
(over an hour to cross the border!)
chatting some more
making new friends
to each others stories
eating out
eating in
did I mention the Sunday family reunion potluck?
upcoming milestone birthdays
those who couldn't attend this event
The most meaningful part
after the sumptuous meal
was just to sit around 
the dining room table 
that was once in our parents' house
and now graces one of the grandson's place
taking a leisurely walk
The older generation 
shared feelings, thoughts, hurts, dreams, blessings,
joys, sorrows, but most of all
through the generations! 
The grands asked questions and 
my siblings and I shared our perceptions
and our take on certain events
from the old country
from our grandparents 
& so many relatives
from the new country
and our years of growing up
marrying and moving away
from our journey of faith
in our various communities of faith over the years
We laughed,
we cried,
we rejoiced,
we laughed some more! 
We wrapped each other
in the warmth and depth 
of our love 
for one another
and thanked the Lord for
the healing
the remembering
the sharing
and the opportunity to be together
for such a precious time!
Here's hoping for many more meaningful memories!

 silly siblings......


Mari said...

Time with family is a blessing! Glad you were able to have this time together.

Shug said...

It's great to be silly siblings. Lots of love here!
Blessings Karin.

Anonymous said...

Precious times for sure! So happy you had this opportunity and thank you for sharing the photos!

Ruth Hiebert said...

What a wonderful way to strengthen family ties! I am so happy for you,that you were able to attend.The siblings look like they are having fun.

George said...

It sounds as if you had a wonderful time. I really like the silly siblings.

ellen b. said...

Ahh wonderful to see you with your siblings! So glad you had a wonderful visit. You made it within an hour of where I live. Blessings!!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Wonderful post! I love just sitting around and chatting about the "good ole days! Nothing like it! Have a wonderful week! Cathy

Unknown said...

Dear Karin thank for stopping by. It warms my heart to read your story about visiting with family and especially your siblings. Pray you all are doing well. I have taken a PRN care giver job and although the sifts are 12 hours long I am enjoying getting back into the work force. Most chronic and terminal patients. Just hope and faith I find in these folks. Blessings

Kimberly Pitman said...

I enjoy our family reunions! We've got one this coming weekend.

Thanks for sharing pictures of your silly/happy/serious/spiritual time with your siblings.


Evi said...

Nice photo Mom...pretty special that you got to spend some good quality time together...laughing and crying and loving and sharing.

Aritha V. said...

Its great!

Hootin Anni said...

Karin....long time no see!!! I want you to know that I truly enjoyed this post. You three look mighty happy to be together!!!! Those smiles tell it all.

Your commentary and prose is always such a delight.

Shug said...

Just stopping by to check on you and to say Hi! Happy Fall..