Don't you love the way the clouds cast shadows,
but the sun is always shining on top!

Hubby and I had a great trip to Winnipeg, our home town!  While Peter was spending special treasured times with his brother and sister, I made arrangements for a few dates for myself.

I met for morning coffee with my childhood friend Barb and we took hours catching up on the latest.  Special times, memories, sharing challenges and promises to pray for one another!
In the evening we were invited to attend the 50th Anniversary of my sister-in-law's sister.  A lovely celebration of their married life. Their three sons and grandchildren did an amazing job on the program!  It was also a fun time for us as we could visit with folks we were together with in youth group at our home church! What a blessing!

Sunday we attended church and for dinner my hubby's whole extended family shared a delicious meal and good fellowship.  We enjoyed the warm breezes in their lovely garden - bedding plants waiting to be planted soon - apple trees snowing petals and lilacs ready to perfume the air!

Then on Monday evening was a special occasion that was a first in my life. I had been following Ruth's Photo blog almost since I started blogging.  I loved her and Jake's photography - the birds, the flowers, the seasons. I learned so much from her about Manitoba and particularly southern Manitoba that I never paid attention to when I was growing up there.  Her posts always touched my heart. Our daughter and her family had lived near to where Ruth lived and I had a special interest because of that. Having read posts of others who met with fellow bloggers, I promised myself that the next time I visited Winnipeg I was going to make a special effort to meet up with Ruth, drive down myself and see the area where she lives. She was particularly always on my mind when her sweetheart Jake passed away and my heart ached for her loss. They had done this blog together and I prayed that the Lord would be her strength in this valley of grief and loss.

 Getting the cameras ready!!

Because we flew, however, and didn't rent a car, it was Ruth who willingly agreed to drive to the city so that we could meet. We made arrangements to meet at the mall that is close to my in-laws. I got there a little early to look at all the mall improvement and even bought myself a new wallet at Bentley's. Then I settled in to do some people watching until Ruth and her sister arrived.  Had no idea from which direction they would approach, so I kept looking around every few moments. I was totally excited to be meeting someone who I admired through her blog!!  From her profile pic I knew I was looking for a pretty lady with white hair.

Ruth and Karin

On my next look to my right were two lovely, younger ladies just walking past a wide post.  My eyes locked on hers as she rounded the corner and we knew instantly!

 So glad Becky, Ruth's sister, kept her company on the trip up!
Lovely to get two new friends in one visit!

 Introductions, welcome hugs, laughter followed and before we even thought of food or drink we spent a half hour chatting as if we had known each other for years! The food court offered all the options a person could want! We ordered and enjoyed our meal, keeping up with the give and take of heart-to-heart conversation of three sisters in the Lord. Because we had been reading each others blogs for so long we already knew quite a bit - just like 'old-fashioned pen-pals' we said!

I'm so thankful that Ruth was willing to meet, that her sister joined in the fun, and that neither one of us had any misgivings!  There was such joy and encouragement!  The time flew by much too quickly and we said our farewells - definitely not good-byes - for Christians never meet for the last time.


Mari said…
I'm so glad you got to take this trip! What a blessing to not only see old friends, but to meet up with your blog friend. This post made me happy! :)
Great pictures, Karin... So glad that you had time with your childhood friend, Barb, and also with blog friend, Ruth...

Both you and Ruth are SO special to me. I wanted to be there with you two... How special that must have been.

God Bless ALL of you. Great set of photos.
Ruth Hiebert said…
Meeting you was definitely a highlight of my day and week.I feel like I gained more than a friend,I now have a sister living in Alberta.We many not be blood kin,but are one in Christ.
Glenda said…
Isn't it wonderful the kinship we Christians share? I think it gives us a tiny glimpse into heaven. So glad you were able to enjoy this special day.

You and your husband came to my mind yesterday, and I prayed for you!
Ginny Hartzler said…
I have been following Ruth for so long, as well. What a wonderful meeting!!! These blogger meetings are always just so exciting...wonderful pictures!
ellen b. said…
It really is great the deep connections you can make in a short time with a sister in the Lord. Blessings...
Unknown said…
How cool to meet a "blog friend." That is just the best story of all. Also glad you had such a nice visit with other friends and relatives.
I enjoyed reading Ruth's post about your I had to come and read yours. Sweet meeting!
Kimberly Pitman said…
It is a great encouragement to know that the friends made through blogging will still be friends when they meet in person.

I like your last sentence, too. "Christians never meet for the last time." Amen!
Aritha V. said…
You're a good friend for/to others. This is a great encouragement for me. An example to follow.
Anonymous said…
So happy you had such a good visit. I enjoyed the photos very much. I'll pay Ruth's blog a visit. Wishing you a blessed Sunday.
Hootin Anni said…
Oh Karin, what a delightful read. Your post is so full of the positive, I feel like I was there with you...and I enjoyed reading it. It's always nice to meet a friend from all the times being online and blogging. Glad to know you two finally met.
Shug said…
I was so excited in reading this post...How wonderful...It would be the greatest pleasure to meet up with Ruth or with you Karin....I think both of you are two of the best..
What a awesome thing....
Hope you and your husband are feeling good..
Marg said…
Those are the best kind of visits. I love those and I too have been able to meet a few blogging friends. It's totally unbelievable, when you are sitting in the vicinity waiting for them and then SURPRISE it's just like what you had expected.
NCmountainwoman said…
What a great post! After all you have been through I am so glad everything worked out. Most inspiring.
Judy said…
I'm so happy for you...that you met up with Ruth in Winnipeg. I have met up with several blogging friends these past few years...and it is always such a pleasure!

Hope you and your hubby are both doing well.

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