Because I've run into a dry spell,
not knowing what to share on my blog, 
I'm using this idea  from Ginny's Blog!  THANKS!!! 

Here goes - whatever word comes to mind first........

A - Amber - have a beautiful amber necklace as a keepsake from my aunt.

B - Brigitte - is really my first name. Because the kids in Junior High School made fun of my name calling me Brigitte Bardot, Bridge and Bird-s**t, I decided to use my second given name.

 My favorite coffee mug!!

C - Coffee - stopped drinking coffee for about 10 years and then one day just started up again.  Enjoying our Keurig coffee-maker and having a morning latte with vanilla sugar and cinnamon.

D - Dresses - grew up wearing only dresses, suits,  skirts and sweaters and never slacks or jeans.  Nowadays, I'll be happy if I never have to wear a dress again.  Love the informal, casual look. Comfort is where it's at!

E - Excellence - doing the very best with the skills and gifts I've been given - no perfection here. If something is worth doing, it is worth doing well.

F - Faith - Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and His gift of faith to me is growing, especially in the valleys and challenges of life. Follow only a leader I trust.

Miss my bleeding heart - had white and pink!

G - Gardens - I miss all the gardens I've had in the various homes we've owned over the years! Fortunately for us, the apartment we moved to in November, has a beautiful courtyard and the residents are welcome to participate in the gardening.

H - Hymns - love, love, love the old hymns. When I'm close to drawing my last breath here on earth, please sit at my bedside and sing hymns.

I - Internet  - is my favorite pastime - reading blogs and researching topics of interest.

J - Job - love mine and have been working for the same organization for over 25 years.

K - Kentucky - spent hubby's sabbatical year and a half in Louisville and loved every minute of it.

L - Love - my heart's desire is to show God's love to all I meet - He's still working on me!!!

Banff, Alberta

M - Mountains - so glad we live close enough to the Canadian Rockies to travel there for a week-end. Haven't done that in a while. Hmmmmm........

N - Natural - enjoy people who are genuine, natural, no-nonsense, and nurturing.

O - Organized - I've always been one to have a place for everything and everything in its place. Simplifies life and saves so much time. Good thing hubby is on the same page!

P - Prayer - am going through a time of a dry desert in my own prayers, but so appreciate that others are praying us through.

Q - Quiet - after a full day of either work or other activities, I'm thankful for solitude and quietness!

R - Reserved - can often be misunderstood as a personality trait  - I don't feel the need to enter every conversation.

S - Sensitive yet sensible - do not like conflict but will speak my mind; sensitive to the feeling of others; S - can also stand for silliness - which I enjoy - especially with the grandkids!

T - Travel - so thankful for all the places we've been - Europe, Israel, and many States in the US.

U - Understanding and helpful and still working to being more understanding of people

V - Values - well-developed value system - faith, family, friends, honesty, loyalty, respect, gratitude.

W - Winnipeg - place where I grew up after immigrating from Germany. Awesome memories!

X - Xylophone - I know how to spell that!!!  This  ABC project hasn't been as easy as one may think! I've also had a number of X-rays in my life.

Y - Young - in my thoughts and attitude.  Don't ever want to become like one of our residents who sits in her chair and moans, "Why me, why me!" Y, Y, Y!!! It's so hard on the family as none of them knows why mom does this - poor darling!

Last October, after a 10 hour drive north to visit family,
hubby and I conked out on their couch for a nap before supper!

Z - Zzzzzzzzzz - I'm sure you probably fell asleep by now! So thankful for refreshing sleep!



Mari said…
I think both your first and second names are beautiful! I liked this A to Z and I think that wonderful you shines through in each of them!
ellen b. said…
I enjoyed the ABC's of what came to your mind Karin (Brigitte!) It was fun to get some added glimpses into your life and who you are. Blessings...
Glenda said…
I enjoyed this so much! It just reinforces my picture of who you are even though we have never met: a faithful, committed follower of Christ and lover of people, who enjoys life and faces it head-on!
Ginny Hartzler said…
I am so glad you took this idea, I was thinking of you specifically when I did that post. It is hard, isn't it? But if you think of it as a game or challenge it makes it fun. You and I both on the Keurig and being organized! The Keurig is the best thing since sliced bread. And now they have a new kind out that does the water under pressure for espresso and things, but it takes a different size cup and it is much more expensive. We have gone through four Keurigs!!!
Unknown said…
I LOVE this idea it was so interesting. Do you mind if I use the idea?
Unknown said…
P.S. I love the old hymns too.
pam said…
I loved this post....getting to know more about you. That picture of the shared pillow nap is beautiful! It's so good we can lift each other up when we're in those desert times. God brings you to mind every once in awhile and I try to be faithful and pray as He leads. Peace to you both, healing and strength!
Marg said…
Thank you for sharing more of your life with us...that is a fun meme' and we all have had dry seasons for blogging...and sometimes a new trigger keeps us in tune.
Thinking and praying for you and your health...
Anonymous said…
You and I have several things in common! I did this too and was stuck for hours on the last 3 letters: i, u and v!!!
Love your ABC thoughts, Karin (Brigitte).... Like I told Ginny, I do already know alot about you --but I didn't know your first name was Brigitte... How pretty!!!! Of course I love the name, Karin, also...

I love my coffee also--but I drink de-caf these days... The biggest problem with no caffeine in my life is that I can go to sleep at the drop of a hat... That is nice at nights --but not at 3:00 in the afternoon... ha ha

Thanks for sharing..
Ruth Hiebert said…
I enjoyed getting to know you a little better.The next best thing would be to have a face to face visit.
Shug said…
Such a wonderful post..I love knowing more about my friends and this is certainly a great way to do so. I loved the one about wearing dresses...When I was in school, girls could not wear slacks of any kind...seems like all we had was dresses and PJ's. My kids just can't believe there was ever such a day..
Enjoyed this post!]
Lady Dorothy said…
This was a great way to share more about you! It's the little things about one another that get us to know each other better.

We have some definite similarities. And some things, not so much. *smile* Makes for an interesting life, eh?
Unknown said…
Dear Karine how nice it was to hear more about you. I feel that we have so much in common particularly our shared faith in Jesus Christ. blessings to you and hubby. Walking with you during this dry time.
Hootin Anni said…
This is great....I love the concept to show and tell about yourself through the use of the a-z!!!

I envy you your travels. I've been to nearly all 50 states and some of Old Mexico [coastal areas and border towns]...but never to Europe of the Far East/Middle East. Someday maybe.

And those Canadian Rockies? All the Rocky Mountain Range from Canada to the USA is gorgeous.

NCmountainwoman said…
I loved this post!!! But I got stuck on the old hymns and "Rock of Ages" is playing in my mind. It always reminds me of my Grannie who sang it while she churned, pumping the dasher in time to the music. My favorite version of it is by the late Vestal Goodman. Oh, that woman could sing.
Doris Sturm said…
Hallo Karin. Meine Cousine heisst Brigitte! She was the closest thing I had to a sister because my sister was not born till I was already in California, USA (my dad's second marriage!) That ABC first thought is a good idea, but I doubt I could make it to Z. I enjoyed reading your post. Have a lovely day and I would not want to give up my coffee because that's about the only vice I have left (if you can even call it that) because actually, coffee in moderation has lots of antioxidants, so there! LOL To your health!
Anneliese said…
Well, that kept your juices flowing .... it's the kind of thing that I do when I try to go to sleep ... which it looks like you did in the end. =)
Aritha V. said…
Great ABC! I never saw mountains ( rocky mountains ) Is it nice?

Lovely picture, the last one.
Chatty Crone said…
Funny I saw your answer on Ginny's blog today and came over for a visit - nice to learn about you. sandie
George said…
Thank you for sharing these tidbits about you with us. I really enjoyed going through the alphabet learning more about you.
Chatty Crone said…
Hey I see a lot of people here I know.

I hope your tooth and mouth is feeling better.

LOve, sandie
deb said…
How fun wis this! What a great idea! I love it! Thanks for sharing and helping us to get to know you better.
Evi said…
Still smiling over the napping picture. :) (Glad I snapped that one!)
Karin said…
Thanks Evi! Can't believe how tired we were - and not knowing what challenges were going to be facing us in the months following!!
nice presentation of the orchids in a bowl.
Terra said…
Your A-Z is very illuminating about you. I am your newest follower and came over from Ruth's blog.

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