
Showing posts from January, 2012


Father, thank You for feelings! I don’t ever want my feelings To be deadened by the current drug of choice. When I get anxious, You allow me to feel the full brunt of my emotions. When You have brought me through the crisis unscathed, You have taught me valuable lessons; If I don’t feel ~ I can’t learn about myself The vanity of thinking that I should be in control; The futility of trying to do things my way; The lack of trusting When I don’t cast all my anxiety on you. When I am angry And I am allowed to truly feel my anger, I learn to acknowledge that I make myself sick With the change in body chemistry that anger triggers. You teach me that I have options, I could explode in anger, I could repress my anger, Or I could simply confess it to you and You will direct my actions to do what is right. When I am sad and grieving, It is a good thing to feel the pain of the loss And even give way to tears. Lord, You have sent the tears to cleanse my eyes, To give me...


Just read this in an e-mail: It's winter here in Canada And the gentle breezes blow Umpteen miles an hour, at thirty-five below. Oh, how I love this Canada when the snow's up to your butt, You take a breath of winter and your nose gets frozen shut. Yes, the weather here is wonderful so I guess I'll hang around, ... I could never leave Canada,  cuz I'm frozen to the ground! Anonymous Hi friends - it's supposed to be -2C by Sunday!!  Heat wave! 


Thanks to Ruth from Ruth's Photo Blog   who allowed me to use this photo a long while ago.   I've put it on my desktop because  I'm looking forward to spring - full of HOPE! I just LOVE when I see my first robin of the year! Good news!  The surgery went well and the sentinel node was NEGATIVE! Early morning had to get the radioactive injection and imaging done.  Then went straight to the Day Ward for the surgery! "In layperson language, some cancers spread in a predictable fashion from where the cancer started. In these cases, if the cancer spreads it will spread first to lymph nodes (lymph glands) close to the tumor before it spreads to other parts of the body. The concept of sentinel lymph node surgery is to see if the cancer has spread to the very first lymph node (called the "sentinel lymph node"). If the sentinel lymph node does not contain cancer, then there is a high likelihood that the cancer has not spread to any other area of the body."...


I thank you for friends, my Father! Each person you have sent into my life Has come with a different gift from you. How generous You are! A word of truth, aptly spoken, Strengthened my faltering faith. A compassionate smile Infused my heart with hope of survival. Quick wit and light-hearted perception made my heart merry; a good medicine. Wrapped in a warm bear hug, I could actually feel Your presence and love. Through their faithful, fervent prayer You renewed my faith, hope, and love. Shared struggles and confidences confirmed our mutual love, respect and appreciation. Confronted in love because of deep caring, You transformed my life! I am grateful for these unexpected gifts, From the hearts and hands of people I love! Eternal blessings from You! Please bless them too, Father, abundantly And keep them forever in your care. May I in turn use every opportunity to share with them what You have given me! Karin Ristau UPDATE: Hubby is now on hormone therapy and quarterly i...


Choose joy and trust and gratitude Choose faith and hope; good attitude. Choose grace and gentleness today. Choose light to drive the gloom away. Choose laughter over sour face. Choose love that will all fears erase. Choose now relationships to mend. Choose to forgive and be a friend. So keep on choosing truth and right; Choose justice over power and might. Choose lack of guile, integrity. Choose life in Christ eternally. So many choices at your door! Things can be better than before! Just you can choose how you will be. Let’s all choose peace and unity. Karin Ristau ©