Choose joy
and trust and gratitude
Choose faith
and hope; good attitude.
Choose grace
and gentleness today.
Choose light
to drive the gloom away.
Choose laughter
over sour face.
Choose love
that will all fears erase.
Choose now
relationships to mend.
Choose to forgive
and be a friend.
So keep on choosing
truth and right;
Choose justice
over power and might.
Choose lack of guile,
Choose life in Christ
So many choices
at your door!
Things can be
better than before!
Just you can choose
how you will be.
Let’s all choose
peace and unity.

Karin Ristau ©


ellen b. said…
All good things to choose! I enjoyed your little ditty on my blog!
Bernie said…
Just popping in to say hello. Want you to know I am thinking of you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers always.....:-)Hugs
Valerie said…
Great words to start my day!
Woohoo, such grand advice. I always tell those I work with that life is a choice.

We have to choose wisely! :o)

Beautiful post sweetie.

God bless and have yourself a marvelous weekend!!!
George said…
Thanks for sharing this beautiful (and wise) poem with us. The choices we make are so very important to us and to everyone.
Anonymous said…
Very lovely, Karin. Wise words, indeed and such a pretty sky photo. Keeping you both in our prayers.
NCmountainwoman said…
Wise words for all of us.
Beck's Bulletin said…
Just wanted to drop by and say we are all praying for you here at TM at the entire chat team is praying for you and Peter.
Karen said…
Uplifting verse! Thank you and bless you.
Ginny Hartzler said…
Another lovely poem! Believe it or not, i just took the very same picture! A connection, though we are miles away. How are you both, what is going on, anything new? i have just returned from about two weeks sick leave.
Unknown said…
Yes the accountability boils down to choices. We must face up to that.

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