In the old country Ascension Day was always celebrated.  Here, not at all and not even mention made of it in many churches.  What a day of rejoicing that must have been for our Lord that He could finally be reunited with His Father!  Just think of it!! And how long until Pentecost?  Are we there yet? Just a few more days!

Our son Ken and his dear family moved here at the end of November. So grateful that after 6 months of uncertainty, no job for either one of them, the Lord provided.  His dissertation studies on hold,  Ken was offered a job with Mustard Seed of Edmonton as Executive Assistant.  He worked during our national elections, which gave him connections so that he is also working in his spare time with the census for Stats Canada. He has also been offered a position, starting September, to teach 2 subjects at Grant McEwan College. The time of trial has been very difficult and challenging, but there is renewed hope and joy that he’ll be able to provide for his family. Praising the Lord for His provision!

Meanwhile, Melissa has been busy submitting all kinds of forms, applications and papers to access specialized help for Aidan, who is autistic. So thankful that all her hard work is paying off and programs for Aidan have begun or are underway. 

Grateful that their older two are doing great in school! Not easy to adjust to a cross -country move and change schools in the middle of the year! Praising the Lord that they are bringing home achievement certificates that mom and dad can put on the fridge!!

Thankful for the beautiful flowers, blossoming trees and delicate green foliage that is a sight to behold every morning.  We haven’t had it too warm yet, but I’m very content with the weather we’ve been having.  Not a sun worshipper here – I burn too quickly!

Rejoicing when I hear birdsong – especially the robin’s song waking me in the morning and then signing off for the evening.

Grateful that after a week of suffering with viral bronchitis and sinusitis, I am making good progress! Pray that the Lord would return me to full strength. Praising the Lord that He is the Healer! Spent the night in the emergency room with some issues that will require follow-up with the doctor.  Thankful for our oldest, an ER nurse, who picked me up and brought me home.

One of the receptionists where I work, is going in for knee surgery and I’ve agreed to take some of her shifts for the next 4-6 months just to help out. Having been sick last week it means that I’ll start later. I’m trusting that the Lord will provide the good health that I’ll need for this extra workload.  I hope to be around to read your blogs, but will most likely not be doing many posts myself.



Anonymous said…
Hi Karin. I pray for you and your family for all the changes. i hope that there is much blessing in them despite the confusion and hardship. Praying too for your health.
God bless
Ginny Hartzler said…
I'm so sorry you have been sick!! What happened with the E.R.? You must have been awfully sick to have to go there, glad you are back home!! I'm so glad for your son, what is Mustard Seed, I have not heard of it. Please take care of yourself, are you back to work yet?
Anonymous said…
Praising the Lord for answered prayers for your family members and I will be praying for you as you follow up with your doctor, Karin. May God bless you.
Sandy said…
Celebrating with you Karin! Such good news on so many fronts. And praying for strength for the tasks ahead as you add more work hours.

pam said…
Agreeing with you for continued healing. I'm thankful for His grace to carry us through. What a wonderful list of thanks. Strength for your days as you increase your work load.
Ruth Hiebert said…
Oh I do hope you will be back to perfect health again,soon.God does provide.Praise be to Him.
ellen b. said…
Praising God with you for all the answered prayer and provision and praying that God's healing hand will restore you 100%. Blessings on you and your family Karin~
Karen said…
Bless you and may you be healthy and feeling strong very soon.
Shug said…
Hi Karin...the wonderful news is that we serve an awesome God...He is never late for what we need...He is always on time..
I so much appreciate your Praise to the Lord this day...Isn't it wonderful to see how the Lord moves on our behalf?
Will be praying for you to gain strength and the ability to do this extra work...Hope you are better soon and will be thinking of you often...
Blessings My Friend..
Karen said…
Amen! The Lord always provides for His children...loved your encouraging post!

My fair skin burns easily, hats and sunscreen are my outdoor companions...

Glad you are better and praying for renewed strength and grace for the coming days....
Unknown said…
So glad for the reminder of Ascenion day! What a blessed time that must have been. Looking for the return soon; another glad reunion. Sorry you have been so sick....and glad the sun and flowers are out and that your family has been provided for. Praying for you as you take on this extra work. Thanks for sharing.
Marsha Young said…
Karin -
I'll miss you while you are working those extra shifts.

But I'm glad you have much to be thankful for among your family.

God bless you - Marsha
Anneliese said…
May God give you strength for the extra workload and continue to encourage you as you see your kids adjust to the changes.
Beck's Bulletin said…
Praise the Lord many things to be thankful for and I am thrilled to hear of all of the opportunities for work for Ken. Praying for continued good health for you as you work these extra shifts over the next few months.
Julie said…
May God's health and strength and grace be yours in abundance !
and rejoicing with you for God's provision for your kids.. and I'm smiling that they moved close to you - I know what joy that brings to a mother/grandmother's heart! smile.
Glenda said…
Karen, in the midst of so many trials, your thankful heart spills over and blesses! I'm glad your son has found a job and that possibilities for little Aidan are opening up. I pray that you feel God's healing touch and renewed strength in the days ahead.

Your post reminds me of the beautiful song "I will praise You in this storm . . . "

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