
Showing posts from June, 2011


Happy Birthday Canada! From B.C. to Newfoundland We want to celebrate this day! There never was a land more grand! Let’s cherish our democracy Though threatened morals, family, unity. We know that we shall always stand Faithful and proud on guard for thee. We don’t know what the future holds For this our precious native land. But this one thing I surely know God holds this country in His Hand. Karin Ristau ©


Having four visiting family members, my wife was very busy, so I offered to go to the store for her to get some needed items, which included light bulbs, paper towels, trash bags, detergent and bleach. So off I went. I scurried around the store, gathered up my goodies and headed for the checkout counter, only to be blocked in the narrow aisle by a young man who appeared to be about sixteen-years-old. I wasn't in a hurry, so I patiently waited for the boy to realize that I was there. This was when he waved his hands excitedly in the air and declared in a loud voice, "Mommy, I'm over here." It was obvious now, he was mentally challenged and also startled as he turned and saw me standing so close to him, waiting to squeeze by. His eyes widened and surprise exploded on his face as I said, "Hey Buddy, what's your name?" "My name is Denny and I'm shopping with my mother," he responded proudly. "Wow," I said, "that's a...


In the lazy days of summer We’ll be sipping lemonade. With the bright blue sky above us We will try to find some shade. We will visit sandy beaches Cross the lake in our canoe. In the lazy days of summer What a joy to be with you. We will watch the children playing, Or we’ll sit and read a book! We may hike and tent on mountains, Splashing in the babbling brook. In the evening by the fire, We’ll sing every camping song, We will do much outdoor living, For our summers are not long. We’ll enjoy the fruits in season, And we’ll watch our garden grow! We will gather juicy berries, Canning jellies by the row! We’ll have friends and family picnics! Take a trip to far away, Yes, our summer months are precious; God gives joy each brand new day! Karin Ristau (Can be sung to the tune of "When it's Springtime in the Rockies)


If you will daily spread a banquet feast before each other's eyes, You’ll never have to fret or worry if either one will stray. If every time you look at him, your face with pride aglow, His heart is yours, you can be sure, he will not walk away. Delicious morsels filled with praise for who he really is A man can’t get enough of those, but they must be sincere! A dish of gentleness, that overlooks each other's faults, May even wean that man of yours from sports, or nuts and beer. A glass of laughter filled to the brim with bubbly joy, Will serve him well to chase away those ugly blues. I bet he cannot have just one, but will come back for more. Don’t keep him tied with apron strings, controlling all his moves. And then together drink your love, served with delight and playfulness, Don’t let your children or the folks use all you have to give. Offer it up in many different and exciting ways, Your married life will be a blissfu...


HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the wonderful dads out there! MY HEAVENLY FATHER F is for the faithfulness He shows me A for His amazing, awesome care T for truth in tenderness He taught me H for heart that hears my humble prayer E is for eternal life He gave me R is for His righteousness I wear Put them all together, they spell F~A~T~H~E~R A God of Love! The Only One! MY CHILDREN'S FATHER F is for the faith in God he taught well A for warm affection, always there. T is for together times of travel H is for our happy home with prayer E is for his energy unfailing R is the respect he showed each one Put them all together, they spell F~A~T~H~E~R! A man of love! He’s Number One! Karin Ristau © PS - Can't figure out why I can't post pictures nor how to fix it! Sorry!!


Sometimes the Spirit speaks  in a thunderous roar, His Power to impart. Sometimes He speaks  in a still small voice, To start a blaze within a heart. But always as He comes along one's side, He is the Comforter, the Trusted Guide. And as I yield my life to Him, Confess to Him my every sin He is so faithful to forgive, To heal, to cleanse, new life to give. He fills my heart with gratitude, He even changed my attitude. He gives great joy and lasting peace, Abundant life which will not cease. In daily life there's victory, To serve Him is real ecstasy. No longer chained! I've been set free, To live the life He's willed for me! The purpose of this full release? To share the faith and never cease To love, to pray, to praise the Lord, To live according to His Word. Karin Ristau© Have a blessed Pentecost everyone!


  From Melissa's MOMents, our daughter-in-law's blog ,  where you can read the story of Aidan! Still learning to humble ourselves and ask for help - not easy when you've been raised to say,  "I can do this on my own." Check out the link where you can give should you feel led to participate and help. Ristau Family at THANK YOU and GOD BLESS!


In the old country Ascension Day was always celebrated.  Here, not at all and not even mention made of it in many churches.  What a day of rejoicing that must have been for our Lord that He could finally be reunited with His Father!  Just think of it!! And how long until Pentecost?  Are we there yet? Just a few more days! Our son Ken and his dear family moved here at the end of November. So grateful that after 6 months of uncertainty, no job for either one of them, the Lord provided.  His dissertation studies on hold,  Ken was offered a job with Mustard Seed of Edmonton as Executive Assistant.  He worked during our national elections, which gave him connections so that he is also working in his spare time with the census for Stats Canada. He has also been offered a position, starting September, to teach 2 subjects at Grant McEwan College. The time of trial has been very difficult and challenging, but there is renewed hope and joy that he’ll be able...


  Blessings to all godly men who are fathers, not perfect, but relying totally on God's help! A father's hands provide well for his family, In quiet strength he leads and he protects. Gently he guides, builds up, gives affirmation, Each child in truth and tenderness corrects. A father's soul is blessed with joy and gladness He sees each one with tender eyes of love. He finds new strength while listening, talking, praying With God, His heavenly Father up above. A father's heart is open wide for others. He shares his faith and is a loyal friend. Gives of himself in ways one cannot measure, Is patient, kind, each quarrel he will mend. A father's love, a precious, treasured blessing! It gives assurance for the trials children face. It conquers fear, gives strength for every testing. May you always know his love, his heart of grace! Karin Ristau© I know it's not Father's Day yet but feel free to use this - just keep my name with it! Thanks!