First my clamshell display was replaced - free of charge!  
When I brought it home I found that the space bar 
and my volume controls were completely messed up. 
I called and had to bring it back in 
to our brand-new Apple store - which is now really close. 
After more diagnosis it was decided 
that it was not cost effective to do further repair.  
I was asked if I would mind 
getting an upgraded model - at no cost to me. 
I won't keep you in suspense any longer - I actually said, 
"I'd be delighted to get the newest MacBook Air
with all its upgrades." 
For all my inconvenience 
I would get the data transfer thrown in - normally $100.00. 

It was worth the wait!

Meanwhile I've been reading
most of your blogs.
I love that part of blogging
much better than posting anyhow, lol!
Off to work for this week
and will try to post 
next weekend! 

Thanks for all your comments
and support!


Jane said…
I love my Mac - no problems, no worries. Much more reliable than Windown based systems. Kudos to you for being able to upgrade,

Mari said…
Hooray for you! Glad that worked out so well!
Ginny Hartzler said…
Wow! Is this the thickness of it? It must really be lighter than air. Consumer Reports rates Apple #1 for customer service! We don't have any stores aroind here, I don't think they have many. So glad that you are all fixed up and with a brand new snazzy computer!!
Bernie said…
Well done, I am glad you got the new one. Mine new laptop is not that special, it is an HP and now that I am getting use to it I am really enjoying it. I wonder how much difference there is between a Mac and so many other computers. Have a great day.....:-)Hugs
Glenda said…
Good deals and good service do still happen! Good news!
Now that is why we use the Mac.I like to hear this kind of results. Sure hope that all will be running smoothly from now on.
Hooray for Apple and our Mac's, Karin.... They are the BEST..... And recently, when George had some trouble with his, he got an appointment and took his Mac to the Genius Bar at our Apple Store--and they worked on it FREE of charge.... Isn't that incredible?????

Oh how we love our Mac's.... Congrats!!!!
Unknown said…
Oh my heavens I would never be able to even see that well enough to learn to use. Who knows I might do it. I am afraid my computer is gonna go soon. thanks for stopping by.
George said…
Congratulations on your new computer. I think Apple has some of the best customer service to be found anywhere. I hope you'll enjoy your new computer as much as we enjoy ours.
Jan said…
Glad it worked out for you. I've never had a Mac.
Hugs - Jan
NCmountainwoman said…
And isn't it refeshing to find good customer service these days? Glad everything is fixed.
Kimberly Pitman said…
Glad you're back!

Isn't it amazing how dependent we've become upon technology that didn't even exist in our homes 25 years or so ago?!

I don't have a MAC but we do have a few iPods around here and have encountered a few glitches along the way. As you discovered, Apple has great customer service.
Warren Baldwin said…
Congratulations! Thanks for the visits to Family Fountain during the downtime of your computer.
Karen said…
Wow! What a blessing!
Beck's Bulletin said…
Good to hear that you got good MacBook Air is ailing and I need to take it in tomorrow to the Apple's hoping I get just as good service from them!
Evi said…
Nice MOM! So glad you finally got that back. It was strange not knowing you almost inevitably going to be on at sometime when I was during the day and see your name pop up on the facebook chat. Nice to know you're back.

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