Going to take my baby computer in 
to have the display fixed.  
A part needs to be ordered 
and it should be up and running in a week! 
I'll use hubby's - but he's always on it - 
so I'll have to see when I can get computer time!  
See you soon - maybe!


Aha.... it would seem that everyone's using computers these days. We finally got a second one (my old one just about ran out of room) so we updated everything.

Then I heard that hubby want the old one as he was having a hard time getting any online time with bloggers in the house (LOL)....

I was thinking of you last evening, when I caught sight of the gorgeous sunset. Did you see it?
Even computers need some attention now and then.Hope it doesn't take too long.
George said…
I hope your computer is up and running properly very soon. I hope mine is as well. Technology can be frustrating, can't it?
Jan said…
Hope that does the trick and it is soon repaired. We didn't all have computers even 20 years ago, and now they are such a large part of our lives.
Have a blessed week all the same.
Bernie said…
Hi Karin, I had a tech here today, $90.00 later he told me I needed to replace my laptop.....I am going to try and go shopping tomorrow for one, think I'll try Best Buy. Telus e-mail service to Morinville has been down since the storm last night, can you tell I am frustrated with all things technical today....lol. :-) Hugs
Hi Karin, Hope your little computer is fixed soon.. I will miss you.....

Warren Baldwin said…
Where would we be without our computers today? Members of the church have been after me to use power point for years. I tried it a few times, but just now have really gotten in to it (reluctantly). I must say, though, it has really been good and helpful. Hope you get your computer up and running soon. wb
Ginny Hartzler said…
Hi Karin, thanks for dropping by my blog, I have signed up to follow you. Your computer is really thin! Now those bleeding hearts look different, is white a different variety? And I love your sunroom! Do you live in one of these high rises? I have seen your face many times in comment forms of those I follow, so you are already familiar to me. I love the title of your blog!!
Jane said…
Hope you get your computer back soon! Enjoyed your blog, will be back to visit again soon!


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