Someone you love Lord is tired and weary;
Someone you love Lord is lonely today.
Someone you love
needs a touch from your hand Lord,
That’s why I’m here, to petition and pray.

You are at work Lord all over the world,
Yet You stop and listen to words that I say!
I may talk to God! Amazing this mystery!
In Your Presence I bow
and now humbly I pray.

It’s not my prayers that have inherent power!
Words straight from the heart –
weak, honest, sincere –

Are carried on wings
to the Throne of our Father

And HE is the Power!
Every prayer He does hear!

Sometimes when I’ve prayed,
He’s sent me to the lonely!
To show His love, give encouragement too!
So when God listens and hears all our prayers
He may send the answer
through me or through you!

Karin Ristau


George said…
This is absolutely beautiful -- and so very true.
C. JoyBell C. said…
Karin...I really love how you say here that our words are "weak"...but carried up to the Father...HE is the one who makes our prayers powerful. I love that. Because too early, we are taught in church how to pray "powerful" prayers or "right" prayers...it creates a gap between us and God when we are led to believe that we have to pray the "right" kind of prayers. But when we know that even our weakest call "Daddy..." when we are laying on our beds at night- when we know that even that-is so powerful because of our Father in Heaven, because of what Jesus did on the cross for us...this is truly a beauty to behold, a love to feel and know.

I love it. :)
Beautiful Karin... You always right just the RIGHT words---which we need to hear.

Anonymous said…
Karin you have a true ministry in these blog pages. This was absolutely marvelous. I love the idea of the weak words, etc. God does not have the attributes of humans, none of the selfishness and other petty characteristics we have. Thank goodness. Blessings
Louise | Italy said…
It's beatiful, Karin. And so very true. One day, I was struggling with an interpersonal problem - a person doing something I didn't like even though it was none of my business. I was very angry. As I walked down the hill from our house, a man in a suit stopped me. Without preamble he read a verse from his Bible which said that God would judge. I did a double take! A direct message from 'nowhere'. And I left it to God to judge.
Robin said…
Karin I needed to read your post today...I particularly like this:

Sometimes when I’ve prayed,
He’s sent me to the lonely!
To show His love give encouragement too! So when God listens and hears all our prayers
He may send the answer
through me or through you!

Thanks for visiting my blog.
Becca's Dirt said…
Beautiful and I needed those words today. Thank you for sharing.
Karin,thanks for this verse.I have been going through darker days and so need to remember that God always hears my cry.Thanks again.
Billy Coffey said…
What beautiful words, Karin! Just what I needed today...
Anonymous said…
Karin, please visit my blog for 7/7/09 I have something for you.
Karin said…
Thank you all for visiting my blog and leaving such kind comments. I enjoy visiting all of your blogs and reading - definitely more so than writing my own blog. But you are all an encouragement to me. God bless!
Kimberly Pitman said…
Beautiful! This is especially special to me since you left me a comment stating that you are praying for us. Oh, how I wish I could tell you how much I've needed them and how much I've appreciated them. Keep it up (both the writing of poetry and the praying).
C. JoyBell C. said…
You have just received an award from me!!! Come on over and claim your award!!! :)

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