I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Thomas,
Questioning, doubting, distrustful again.
Thank you that I’m confident,
positive, and so assured,
And my life every day honours your name.
I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Peter,
Impulsive and brash. What a character flaw!
I thank you that I’ve been blessed with such dignity
And others, of me, stand in awe.
I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Elijah
Parked by a tree and feeling depressed.
I thank you that I’ve got a fun disposition
Have real self-control, never show that I’m stressed.
I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Jonah
Resistant, reluctant, and running away.
I thank you that I am humble and meek,
Always willing and ready to submit and obey.
I thank you, dear God, that I’m not like Moses,
So self-sufficient, yet overburdened,
reluctant to share his task.
I thank you that you’ve made me a tower of strength,
Just keep me efficient is all that I ask.
O Father, forgive us when thoughts such as these,
Enter our hearts to inflate our pride!
Search us, O God, for you know our thoughts,
You know all things and from You we can’t hide.
For we’ve all sinned, fallen short of the glory of God.
We’re all filled with conceit,
without Christ not a winner.
Through all of life’s circumstances
bring us to our knees.
Show mercy to me, O my God, I’m a sinner!
Karin Ristau

Like Betsy said, I, too, am overwhelmed that HE loves a sinner such as I!!
I admire that ability! There have been a few times in my life where I just want to write like that . . when I'm grieving or have experienced something special . . . but the words just don't come out as free sounding as that. God bless.