35 Q & A
Saw this over at another blog and decided to answer the questions and add a few more! Do your own ~ the only requirement is to answer in ONE word.
1. Where is your cell phone? Unavailable
2. Where is your significant other? Kitchen
3. Your hair color? Grey
4. Your mother? Aged
5. Your father? Heaven
6. Your favorite thing? Solitude
7. Your dream last night? Pleasant
8. Your dream/goal? Reachable
9. The room you’re in? Living
10. Your hobby? Poetry
11. Your fear? Falling
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Vacation
13. Where were you last night? Out
14. What you’re not? Rude
15. One of your wish-list items? Cruise
16. Where you grew up? Canada
17. The last thing you did? Really?
18. What are you wearing? Glasses
19. Your TV? Jeopardy
20. Your pet? Rock
21. Your computer? Mac
22. Your mood? Pensive
23. Missing someone? Yes
24. Your car? Toyota
25. Something you’re not wearing? Girdle
26. Favorite store? Laura’s
27. Your summer? Enjoyable
28. Love someone? YES!
29. Your favorite color? Purple
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Yesterday
32. Your friends? Best
33. Your job? Rewarding
34. Children? 3
35. Grandchildren? 9

1. Where is your cell phone? Unavailable
2. Where is your significant other? Kitchen
3. Your hair color? Grey
4. Your mother? Aged
5. Your father? Heaven
6. Your favorite thing? Solitude
7. Your dream last night? Pleasant
8. Your dream/goal? Reachable
9. The room you’re in? Living
10. Your hobby? Poetry
11. Your fear? Falling
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Vacation
13. Where were you last night? Out
14. What you’re not? Rude
15. One of your wish-list items? Cruise
16. Where you grew up? Canada
17. The last thing you did? Really?
18. What are you wearing? Glasses
19. Your TV? Jeopardy
20. Your pet? Rock
21. Your computer? Mac
22. Your mood? Pensive
23. Missing someone? Yes
24. Your car? Toyota
25. Something you’re not wearing? Girdle
26. Favorite store? Laura’s
27. Your summer? Enjoyable
28. Love someone? YES!
29. Your favorite color? Purple
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Yesterday
32. Your friends? Best
33. Your job? Rewarding
34. Children? 3
35. Grandchildren? 9
